
An archive of published things by You can browse, search, or see a random publication. The Neural Archive lists 1884 publications.

Publication index

  Title Year Country Author Publisher
Variaciones de lo Invisible - Mariano Sardón 2011 Chile Mariano Sardón, Rodrigo Alonso, Diana Wechsler Espacio Fundación Telefónica
Variantology 2: On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies 2007 Germany Siegfried Zielinski, David Link Walther Konig
Variantology V: Neapolitan Affairs 2011 Germany Siegfried Zielinski, Eckhard Fürlus Walther König, Köln
Variations on Media Thinking 2019 USA Siegfried Zielinski University of Minnesota Press
Vector Synthesis: a Media Archaeological Investigation into Sound-Modulated Light 2019 Helsinki Derek Holzer Derek Holzer
Vergessene Zukunft - Radikale Netzkulturen in Europa 2012 Germany Clemens Apprich, Felix Stalder Transcript Verlag
Verstreute Momente der Konzentration 2005 Germany Inke Arns, Thiebaut de Ruyter, Lev Manovich Keller, Christoph
Via Satélite - panorama de la fotografía y el video en el Perú contemporáneo 2005 Argentina José-Carlos Mariáteguí, Miguel Zegarra Espacio Fundación Telefónica
Video By Artists 2 1986 Canada Elke Town Art Metropole
VideoFest '92 1992 Germany MedienOperative
Videogames: Design/Play/Disrupt 2019 UK (edited by) Marie Foulston, Kristian Volsing V&A PUBLISHING
Videokunst in Deutschland 1963-1982. Videobänder, Installationen, Objekte, Performances, ARS VIVA 82/83 1983 Germany Wulf Herzogenrath Verlag Gerd Hatje
Vienna Biennale for Change 2021: Planet Love Climate Care in the Digital Age 2021 Austria Edited by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein Verlag für Moderne Kunst
Vinyl: The Analogue Record in the Digital Age 2015 UK Dominik Bartmanski, Ian Woodward Bloomsbury Academic
Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks 2012 USA Tony D. Sampson University of Minnesota Press
Viridis, La Ferme a Spiruline 2016 France Gaspard Et Sandra Bebie-Valerian Blurb Inc
Virilio and Visual Culture 2013 UK edited by John Armitage and Ryan Bishop Edinburgh University Press
Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion 2003 USA Oliver Grau The MIT Press
Virtual Music: Computer Synthesis of Musical Style 2004 USA David Cope The MIT Press
Virtual Normality: The Female Gaze in the Age of the Internet 2018 Austria VV.AA. Verlag für moderne Kunst
Virtual Reality Handbook 1992 Italy Alessandro Ludovico Minus Habens Records
Virtual Reality: The Revolutionary Technology of Computer-Generated Artificial Worlds - and How It Promises to Transform Society 1992 USA Simon & Schuster
Virtual Spaces: Sex and the Cyber Citizen 1997 USA Cleo Odzer Berkley Trade
Virtuality and Interactivity II 1999 Italy Franz Fischnaller, F.A.B.R.I.CATORS mediAArtech
Virtualpolitik: An Electronic History of Government Media-Making in a Time of War, Scandal, Disaster, Miscommunication, and Mistakes 2009 USA Elizabeth Losh The MIT Press
Virtueel Platform Research: Born-Digital Kunstwerken in Nederland 2012 The Netherlands Annet Dekker virtueel_platform
Visibile invisibile 2008 Italy Giovanna. Valente, Pino. Bianco Shin
Visual Music: Synaesthesia in Art and Music Since 1900 2005 UK Kerry Brougher & Jeremy Strick & Ari Wiseman & Judith Zilczer Thames & Hudson
Visualise: Making Art in Context 2013 UK Bronaċ Ferran Anglia Ruskin University
Visualizing Information for Advocacy 2013 Germany Stephanie Hankey, Tom Longley, Marek Tuszynski, Maya Indira Ganesh Tactical Technology Collective
Voice and Sky 2018 Switzerland Jason Kahn Editions
Voicetracks: Attuning to Voice in Media and the Arts 2017 USA Norie Neumark Mit Press
Vom Verschwinden 2005 Germany Susanne Ackers, Kurt Eichler, Inke Arns, Francis Hunger, Tom McCarthy, Ute Vorkoeper Keller, Christoph
WAVE - Lets Make Things Netter - Mens // Media // Machine 1995 Belgium edited by Walter De Brouwer Riverland Publications
WAVE N.4 1994 Netherlands Riverland Publications nv
WAVE n. 3 1994 Netherlands Riverland Publications nv
WORLD - INFORMATION - Knowledge of Future Culture 2003 Austria Konrad Becker, Felix Stalder Institute for New Technologies
WSAxARCADE - 2018 2018 UK edited by Adam Procter Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton
Walking From Scores 2022 France edited by Elena Biserna LES PRESSES DU RÉEL
War - Antoine Schmitt - 2015 2016 France Antoine Schmitt Galerie Charlot
Waving Platforms: Concerning the Work of Paul Devens 2014 The Netherlands Freek Lomme Onomatopee
Ways of Hearing 2019 USA Damon Krukowski Mit Press
We Are in Open Circuits: Writings by Nam June Paik 2019 USA (edited by) John G. Hanhardt, Gregory Zinman, and Edith Decker-Phillips Mit Press
We Are on the Net. 2010 Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits RIXC, The Centre for New Media Culture
We are the Real Time Experiment: 20 Years of FACT 2009 UK Mike Stubbs, Karen Newman Liverpool University Press
We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People 2006 USA O'Reilly Media O'Reilly Media
Weather as Medium: Toward a Meteorological Art 2018 USA Janine Randerson Mit Press
Web Aesthetics 2010 The Netherlands Vito Campanelli NAi Publishers
Welcomex 1997 Switzerland Nathanael Ha-Vinh Discovolante
What Design Can’t Do: Essays on Design and Disillusion 2023 The Netherlands Silvio Lorusso Set Margins