Variaciones de lo Invisible - Mariano Sardón |
2011 |
Chile |
Mariano Sardón, Rodrigo Alonso, Diana Wechsler |
Espacio Fundación Telefónica |
Variantology 2: On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies |
2007 |
Germany |
Siegfried Zielinski, David Link |
Walther Konig |
Variantology V: Neapolitan Affairs |
2011 |
Germany |
Siegfried Zielinski, Eckhard Fürlus |
Walther König, Köln |
Variations on Media Thinking |
2019 |
Siegfried Zielinski |
University of Minnesota Press |
Vector Synthesis: a Media Archaeological Investigation into Sound-Modulated Light |
2019 |
Helsinki |
Derek Holzer |
Derek Holzer |
Vergessene Zukunft - Radikale Netzkulturen in Europa |
2012 |
Germany |
Clemens Apprich, Felix Stalder |
Transcript Verlag |
Verstreute Momente der Konzentration |
2005 |
Germany |
Inke Arns, Thiebaut de Ruyter, Lev Manovich |
Keller, Christoph |
Via Satélite - panorama de la fotografía y el video en el Perú contemporáneo |
2005 |
Argentina |
José-Carlos Mariáteguí, Miguel Zegarra |
Espacio Fundación Telefónica |
Video By Artists 2 |
1986 |
Canada |
Elke Town |
Art Metropole |
VideoFest '92 |
1992 |
Germany |
MedienOperative |
Videogames: Design/Play/Disrupt |
2019 |
UK |
(edited by) Marie Foulston, Kristian Volsing |
Videokunst in Deutschland 1963-1982. Videobänder, Installationen, Objekte, Performances, ARS VIVA 82/83 |
1983 |
Germany |
Wulf Herzogenrath |
Verlag Gerd Hatje |
Vienna Biennale for Change 2021: Planet Love Climate Care in the Digital Age |
2021 |
Austria |
Edited by Christoph Thun-Hohenstein |
Verlag für Moderne Kunst |
Vinyl: The Analogue Record in the Digital Age |
2015 |
UK |
Dominik Bartmanski, Ian Woodward |
Bloomsbury Academic |
Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Networks |
2012 |
Tony D. Sampson |
University of Minnesota Press |
Viridis, La Ferme a Spiruline |
2016 |
France |
Gaspard Et Sandra Bebie-Valerian |
Blurb Inc |
Virilio and Visual Culture |
2013 |
UK |
edited by John Armitage and Ryan Bishop |
Edinburgh University Press |
Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion |
2003 |
Oliver Grau |
The MIT Press |
Virtual Music: Computer Synthesis of Musical Style |
2004 |
David Cope |
The MIT Press |
Virtual Normality: The Female Gaze in the Age of the Internet |
2018 |
Austria |
VV.AA. |
Verlag für moderne Kunst |
Virtual Reality Handbook |
1992 |
Italy |
Alessandro Ludovico |
Minus Habens Records |
Virtual Reality: The Revolutionary Technology of Computer-Generated Artificial Worlds - and How It Promises to Transform Society |
1992 |
Simon & Schuster |
Virtual Spaces: Sex and the Cyber Citizen |
1997 |
Cleo Odzer |
Berkley Trade |
Virtuality and Interactivity II |
1999 |
Italy |
Franz Fischnaller, F.A.B.R.I.CATORS |
mediAArtech |
Virtualpolitik: An Electronic History of Government Media-Making in a Time of War, Scandal, Disaster, Miscommunication, and Mistakes |
2009 |
Elizabeth Losh |
The MIT Press |
Virtueel Platform Research: Born-Digital Kunstwerken in Nederland |
2012 |
The Netherlands |
Annet Dekker |
virtueel_platform |
Visibile invisibile |
2008 |
Italy |
Giovanna. Valente, Pino. Bianco |
Shin |
Visual Music: Synaesthesia in Art and Music Since 1900 |
2005 |
UK |
Kerry Brougher & Jeremy Strick & Ari Wiseman & Judith Zilczer |
Thames & Hudson |
Visualise: Making Art in Context |
2013 |
UK |
Bronaċ Ferran |
Anglia Ruskin University |
Visualizing Information for Advocacy |
2013 |
Germany |
Stephanie Hankey, Tom Longley, Marek Tuszynski, Maya Indira Ganesh |
Tactical Technology Collective |
Voice and Sky |
2018 |
Switzerland |
Jason Kahn |
Editions |
Voicetracks: Attuning to Voice in Media and the Arts |
2017 |
Norie Neumark |
Mit Press |
Vom Verschwinden |
2005 |
Germany |
Susanne Ackers, Kurt Eichler, Inke Arns, Francis Hunger, Tom McCarthy, Ute Vorkoeper |
Keller, Christoph |
WAVE - Lets Make Things Netter - Mens // Media // Machine |
1995 |
Belgium |
edited by Walter De Brouwer |
Riverland Publications |
WAVE N.4 |
1994 |
Netherlands |
Riverland Publications nv |
WAVE n. 3 |
1994 |
Netherlands |
Riverland Publications nv |
WORLD - INFORMATION - Knowledge of Future Culture |
2003 |
Austria |
Konrad Becker, Felix Stalder |
Institute for New Technologies |
WSAxARCADE - 2018 |
2018 |
UK |
edited by Adam Procter |
Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton |
Walking From Scores |
2022 |
France |
edited by Elena Biserna |
War - Antoine Schmitt - 2015 |
2016 |
France |
Antoine Schmitt |
Galerie Charlot |
Waving Platforms: Concerning the Work of Paul Devens |
2014 |
The Netherlands |
Freek Lomme |
Onomatopee |
Ways of Hearing |
2019 |
Damon Krukowski |
Mit Press |
We Are in Open Circuits: Writings by Nam June Paik |
2019 |
(edited by) John G. Hanhardt, Gregory Zinman, and Edith Decker-Phillips |
Mit Press |
We Are on the Net. net.art.lv |
2010 |
Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits |
RIXC, The Centre for New Media Culture |
We are the Real Time Experiment: 20 Years of FACT |
2009 |
UK |
Mike Stubbs, Karen Newman |
Liverpool University Press |
We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People |
2006 |
O'Reilly Media |
O'Reilly Media |
Weather as Medium: Toward a Meteorological Art |
2018 |
Janine Randerson |
Mit Press |
Web Aesthetics |
2010 |
The Netherlands |
Vito Campanelli |
NAi Publishers |
Welcomex |
1997 |
Switzerland |
Nathanael Ha-Vinh |
Discovolante |
What Design Can’t Do: Essays on Design and Disillusion |
2023 |
The Netherlands |
Silvio Lorusso |
Set Margins |