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Variantology V: Neapolitan Affairs

Siegfried Zielinski, Eckhard Fürlus
Publisher / Label
Walther König, Köln
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages



Acknowledgements                                                           9

giovanni p. ricciardi (Naples)
Diario del Monte Vesuvio (Fragments)                                      10

rosa barba (Agrigento, Berlin)
The Empirical Effect. Printed Cinema, 2010                                37

nanni balestrini (Naples, Rome)
Tape Mark I & Early Machine Poetry                                        45

hans belting (Karlsruhe, Berlin)
Jacopo Sannazaro & His Readers.
The Arcadian Dream in the Pocket Book                                     67

john berger(Taninges)
Meanwhile                                                                 79

peter blegvad (London)
Two Birds / Poet of Stone                                                 87

arianna borrelli (Rome)
Giovan Battista Della Porta’s Neapolitan Magic
& His Humanistic Meteorology                                             103

luciano canfora (Bari)
Papyrus as a Medium
Sarà Simonidis? Certo non può essere Artemidoro                          131

chen (joseph) cheng-yih (San Diego)
Notation, Algorithm & Derivation in Early Mathematics in China           162

fm einheit (Tittmoning)
Monteverdis Liederzyklus über Krieg und Liebe                            241

vilém flusser
Mittel & Meere (Means & Seas)                                            245

eckhard fürlus (Berlin)
Napoli – Un Amore Cosi Grande                                            255

yasmin haskell (Perth)
Let the Mountain (Vesuvius) Come to Mahomet:
The Healing Powers of Travel & Neapolitan Simpatia
in Niccolò Giannettasio’s Herculanean Spring (1704)                      273

sebastian klotz (Leipzig, Berlin)
Arcadia, Musicland. Variants of Eloquence
in the Renaissance Madrigal & in Disco                                   291

david link (Cologne, Leipzig)
Enigma Rebus. Prolegomena to an Archaeology of Algorithmic Artefacts     311

anthony moore (Arles, Cologne)
Transactional Fluctuations 3 — “ Reflections on Sound ”                  347

miklós peternák (Budapest)
“Born/Natura” — A Picture in the Background of a Picture                 361

dhruv raina (New Delhi)
Le Gentil’s Voyage : Addressing Disruptions
in the Narrative of Scientific Progress                                  385

nils röller (Zurich)
A Strange Stone. Anonymity in the History of the Compass                 399

otto e. rössler (Tübingen)
Variantology : Einstein - Bohr Battle Confirm s Everett’s Eternal Now    417

george saliba (New York)
Europe and the World of Islam: Standing in Each Other’s Shadow           433

elisabeth von samsonow (Vienna)
Giordano Bruno against Ge-A-Metry.
An Early Modern Model of Fractal Geometry                                447

wilhelm schmidt-biggemann (Berlin)
Athanasius Kircher’s Concept of Prehistory                               461

amnon shiloah (Jerusalem)
The Origin of Language & its Link with Music
according to the Theory of Jābir ibn Ḥayyān                              477

amador vega esquerra (Barcelona)
Hermeneutics of Secrets: from the Villa dei Misteri to the Rothko Chapel 491

siegfried zielinski (Berlin)
Towards an Institute for Southern Modernities ( ISMs )                   517

The Authors and Editors                                                  553
Bibliography                                                             562
Index of Names                                                           587
Index of Places                                                          595
Index of Subjects                                                        598