What Does Public Mean? |
2006 |
Norway |
Torpedo Press |
What Is Information? |
2018 |
Peter Janich |
University of Minnesota Press |
What Sound Does A Color Make? |
2005 |
Kathleen Forde & Jim Campbell & Thom Kubli & Atau Tanaka & Gary Hill & Judith Richards |
Independent Curators International, New York |
What Sound Does a Color Make? |
2005 |
Independent Curators International (iCI) |
When Biometrics Fail: Gender, Race, and the Technology of Identity |
2011 |
Shoshana Amielle Magnet |
Duke University Press |
Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internet |
1998 |
Katie Hafner |
Simon & Schuster |
Where2 |
2013 |
Where |
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform |
Whispered Art History: Twenty Years at the Western Front |
2002 |
Canada |
Keith Wallace |
Arsenal Pulp Press |
White Heat Cold Logic: British Computer Art 1960 - 1980 |
2009 |
Paul Brown & Charlie Gere & Nicholas Lambert & Catherine Mason |
The MIT Press |
Whole Waste Catalog, Undo It Yourself |
2021 |
Switzerland |
Edited by Raphael Perret |
Amsel Verlag Zurich |
Why Frets? 2083 |
2023 |
Germany |
Marko Ciciliani |
Galerie der Abseitigen Künste/Mille Plateaux |
Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency |
2005 |
Jay David Bolter & Diane Gromala |
The MIT Press |
Wired Shut: Copyright and the Shape of Digital Culture |
2009 |
Tarleton Gillespie |
The MIT Press |
Wirelessness: Radical Empiricism in Network Cultures |
2010 |
Adrian Mackenzie |
The MIT Press |
Wizzywig Volume 1: Phreak |
2008 |
Ed Piskor |
Ed Piskor |
Wizzywig Volume 2: Hacker |
2009 |
Ed Piskor |
Ed Piskor |
Wizzywig, Volume 3 : Fugitive |
2010 |
Ed Piskor |
Ed Piskor |
Women, Art, and Technology |
2003 |
Judy Malloy |
The MIT Press |
World Projects: Global Information before World War I (Electronic Mediations) |
2014 |
Markus Krajewski |
University of Minnesota Press |
Worldmaking as Techné: Participatory Art, Music, and Architecture |
2018 |
UK |
(edited by) Mark-David Hosale, Sana Murrani, Alberto de Campo |
Worlds on Video - Video Arte Internazionale |
2008 |
Italy |
Franziska Nori, Anita Beckers |
Centro di Cultura Contemporanea strozzina |
Writing Machines |
2002 |
N. Katherine Hayles & Anne Burdick |
The MIT Press |
Writing and Unwriting (Media) Art History: Erkki Kurenniemi in 2048 |
2015 |
Joasia Krysa, Jussi Parikka |
The Mit Press |
XI 01 Bienal, International Art Exhibition of Vila Nova de Cerveira, Art Technology and Science |
2001 |
Portugal |
Enrique Silva |
Projecto-Nucleo de Desenvolvimento Cultural |
Xcelerator |
2018 |
China |
VV.AA. |
Times Art Museum |
You Can Be A Wealthy / Cash-Strapped Art Collector In The Digital Age |
2020 |
Germany |
Pau Waelder |
Printer Fault Press |
You are Here: Art After the Internet |
2014 |
UK |
Omar Kholeif |
Cornerhouse Publications |
ZEMOS98 9a EDICION FUERA DE CONTROL - 19 al 25 marzo 2007 - Sevilla |
2007 |
Spain |
colectivo ZEMOS98 |
Hapaxmedia.net |
Zach Blas, Unknown Ideals |
2022 |
UK |
(edited by) Edit Molnár, Marcel Schwierin |
Sternberg Press, Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst |
Zaven Paré - Mécatronics |
2016 |
France |
Dominique Roland |
Centre des arts d'Enghien-les-Bains |
Zehar - Revista de Arteleku's Magazine - Archive Fever, Mal de Archivio |
2005 |
Spain |
edited by Miren Eraso Iturrioz |
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia |
Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture |
2007 |
Geert Lovink |
Routledge |
Zeroes and Ones: Digital Women and the New Technoculture |
1997 |
Sadie Plant |
Doubleday |
Zines, Volume 1 |
1996 |
V. Vale |
Re/Search Publications |
ZoneVideo 2000/2010 - 10 anni di esperienze multimediali |
2010 |
Italy |
Federico Bucalossi |
Vidèa |
[...After the Media]: News from the Slow-Fading Twentieth Century |
2013 |
Siegfried Zielinski |
[FIELD_NOTES] From Landscape to Laboratory – Maisemasta Laboratorioon |
2013 |
Estonia |
Laura Beloff, Erich Berger, Terike Haapoja |
Printon Printinghouse Ltd |
[Macro]biologies & [Micro]biologies. Art and the Biological Sublime in the 21st Century |
2015 |
edited by Regine Rapp and Christian de Lutz |
Blurb |
2011 |
Jessica Ciocci |
PictureBox |
a cura di Francesco Spampinato |
2021 |
Italy |
Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici, COMPUTER COMICS 1984-1987 |
Nero |
a very sonic membrane filmachine by Keiichiro Shibuya and Takashi Ikegami |
2008 |
Switzerland |
Andreas Broeckmann & Stefan Riekeles |
diaphanes |
acoustic space n. 2 |
1999 |
Latvia |
acoustic space n. 3 |
2000 |
Latvia |
alien matter |
2017 |
Germany |
edited by Inke Arns & transmediale e.V. |
transmediale e.V. |
all.go.rhythm idea >> machine >> art |
2015 |
Paul Hertz |
Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art |
antiThesis Piracy Vol.18 |
2008 |
University of Melbourne |
art + telecommunication |
1984 |
Austria |
edited by Heidi Grundmann |
Western Front / BLIX |
arte dónde - 02 |
1999 |
Spain |
Ipsum Planet |
Innovators |
artistic mobility in the 21st century - 2006 / choosing and preparing your artistic residency - training seminar |
2006 |
Czech Republic |
Pavel Sedlák |
artpress #278 - Pipilotti Rist |
2002 |
France |
Jean-Pierre de Kerraoul |
artpress |