
An archive of published things by You can browse, search, or see a random publication. The Neural Archive lists 1884 publications.

Publication index

  Title Year Country Author Publisher
What Does Public Mean? 2006 Norway Torpedo Press
What Is Information? 2018 USA Peter Janich University of Minnesota Press
What Sound Does A Color Make? 2005 USA Kathleen Forde & Jim Campbell & Thom Kubli & Atau Tanaka & Gary Hill & Judith Richards Independent Curators International, New York
What Sound Does a Color Make? 2005 USA Independent Curators International (iCI)
When Biometrics Fail: Gender, Race, and the Technology of Identity 2011 USA Shoshana Amielle Magnet Duke University Press
Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internet 1998 USA Katie Hafner Simon & Schuster
Where2 2013 Where CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Whispered Art History: Twenty Years at the Western Front 2002 Canada Keith Wallace Arsenal Pulp Press
White Heat Cold Logic: British Computer Art 1960 - 1980 2009 USA Paul Brown & Charlie Gere & Nicholas Lambert & Catherine Mason The MIT Press
Whole Waste Catalog, Undo It Yourself 2021 Switzerland Edited by Raphael Perret Amsel Verlag Zurich
Why Frets? 2083 2023 Germany Marko Ciciliani Galerie der Abseitigen Künste/Mille Plateaux
Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency 2005 USA Jay David Bolter & Diane Gromala The MIT Press
Wired Shut: Copyright and the Shape of Digital Culture 2009 USA Tarleton Gillespie The MIT Press
Wirelessness: Radical Empiricism in Network Cultures 2010 USA Adrian Mackenzie The MIT Press
Wizzywig Volume 1: Phreak 2008 USA Ed Piskor Ed Piskor
Wizzywig Volume 2: Hacker 2009 USA Ed Piskor Ed Piskor
Wizzywig, Volume 3 : Fugitive 2010 USA Ed Piskor Ed Piskor
Women, Art, and Technology 2003 USA Judy Malloy The MIT Press
World Projects: Global Information before World War I (Electronic Mediations) 2014 USA Markus Krajewski University of Minnesota Press
Worldmaking as Techné: Participatory Art, Music, and Architecture 2018 UK (edited by) Mark-David Hosale, Sana Murrani, Alberto de Campo RIVERSIDE ARCHITECTURAL PRESS
Worlds on Video - Video Arte Internazionale 2008 Italy Franziska Nori, Anita Beckers Centro di Cultura Contemporanea strozzina
Writing Machines 2002 USA N. Katherine Hayles & Anne Burdick The MIT Press
Writing and Unwriting (Media) Art History: Erkki Kurenniemi in 2048 2015 USA Joasia Krysa, Jussi Parikka The Mit Press
XI 01 Bienal, International Art Exhibition of Vila Nova de Cerveira, Art Technology and Science 2001 Portugal Enrique Silva Projecto-Nucleo de Desenvolvimento Cultural
Xcelerator 2018 China VV.AA. Times Art Museum
You Can Be A Wealthy / Cash-Strapped Art Collector In The Digital Age 2020 Germany Pau Waelder Printer Fault Press
You are Here: Art After the Internet 2014 UK Omar Kholeif Cornerhouse Publications
ZEMOS98 9a EDICION FUERA DE CONTROL - 19 al 25 marzo 2007 - Sevilla 2007 Spain colectivo ZEMOS98
Zach Blas, Unknown Ideals 2022 UK (edited by) Edit Molnár, Marcel Schwierin Sternberg Press, Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst
Zaven Paré - Mécatronics 2016 France Dominique Roland Centre des arts d'Enghien-les-Bains
Zehar - Revista de Arteleku's Magazine - Archive Fever, Mal de Archivio 2005 Spain edited by Miren Eraso Iturrioz Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture 2007 USA Geert Lovink Routledge
Zeroes and Ones: Digital Women and the New Technoculture 1997 USA Sadie Plant Doubleday
Zines, Volume 1 1996 USA V. Vale Re/Search Publications
ZoneVideo 2000/2010 - 10 anni di esperienze multimediali 2010 Italy Federico Bucalossi Vidèa
[...After the Media]: News from the Slow-Fading Twentieth Century 2013 USA Siegfried Zielinski UNIVOCAL PUBLISHING
[FIELD_NOTES] From Landscape to Laboratory – Maisemasta Laboratorioon 2013 Estonia Laura Beloff, Erich Berger, Terike Haapoja Printon Printinghouse Ltd
[Macro]biologies & [Micro]biologies. Art and the Biological Sublime in the 21st Century 2015 USA edited by Regine Rapp and Christian de Lutz Blurb
[TITLE] 2011 USA Jessica Ciocci PictureBox
a cura di Francesco Spampinato 2021 Italy Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici, COMPUTER COMICS 1984-1987 Nero
a very sonic membrane filmachine by Keiichiro Shibuya and Takashi Ikegami 2008 Switzerland Andreas Broeckmann & Stefan Riekeles diaphanes
acoustic space n. 2 1999 Latvia E-LAB / ACOUSTIC.SPACE
acoustic space n. 3 2000 Latvia E-LAB / ACOUSTIC.SPACE
alien matter 2017 Germany edited by Inke Arns & transmediale e.V. transmediale e.V.
all.go.rhythm idea >> machine >> art 2015 USA Paul Hertz Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art
antiThesis Piracy Vol.18 2008 USA University of Melbourne
art + telecommunication 1984 Austria edited by Heidi Grundmann Western Front / BLIX
arte dónde - 02 1999 Spain Ipsum Planet Innovators
artistic mobility in the 21st century - 2006 / choosing and preparing your artistic residency - training seminar 2006 Czech Republic Pavel Sedlák CIANT
artpress #278 - Pipilotti Rist 2002 France Jean-Pierre de Kerraoul artpress