Table of Contents
preamble 3
ada 5
matrices 9
tensions 11
on the cards 14
second sight 18
anna 1 23
gambling on the future 27
binaries 32
supporting evidence 35
genderquake 37
cultures 45
nets 46
digits 51
holes 55
cyborg manifestos 58
programming language 60
shuttle systems 60
casting on 69
flight 73
virtual aliens 74
cocoons 77
diagrams 82
eve 1 85
masterpieces 88
trials 90
errors 93
eve 8 95
case study 97
what eve 8 next 100
monster 1 102
robotics 103
learning curves 104
anna o 109
multiples 112
switches 114
speed queens 115
secrets 121
grass 124
automata 125
bugs 127
disorders 131
amazone 137
beginning again 140
grapevines 143
enigmas 144
monster 2 151
marriage vows 152
spelling 153
hysteresis 154
cybernetics 156
sea change 165
scattered brains 166
neurotics 171
intuition 176
cave man 177
hooked 182
tact 185
cyberflesh 191
mona lisa overdrive 194
runaway 199
passing 210
chemicals 214
xyz 218
the peahen's tale 223
loops 229
symbionts 233
eve 2 237
pottering 239
mutants 244
wetware 248
dryware 250
silicon 251
quanta 253
casting off 256
notes 257
bibliography 297
acknowledgments 307