Weather as Medium: Toward a Meteorological Art
- Author
- Janine Randerson
- Publisher / Label
- Mit Press
- Country
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2018
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 280
- 978-0262038270
Contents Series Foreword ix Acknowledgments xi List of Illustrations xiii Introduction: Weather as Media xv 1 Live weather, systems and science 1 2 Sensing the weather 25 3 Weather envisioning : visualization and mapping 43 4 Meteorological art instruments 67 5 Social meteorology and participatory art 89 6 Climate dialogues : acts into nature 115 7 Weather materialized : ice as medium 137 8 Speculative weathers : cosmic clouds and solar winds 157 Conclusion 181 References 189 Index 223