Table of Contents
Foreword by Roy Ascott ii
Introduction by the editors iv
Sonic and Visual Structures: 4
Theory and Experiment
Nicolas Schöffer
Causalities 28
Alberto de Campo
An Essay on Worldmaking in Plumbutter 56
Peter Blasser
Art, Surveillance, and Metadata 68
James Coupe
Perceptual Ecologies: Mine 90
Dan Overholt and Esben Bala Skouboe
Towards Probabilistic Worldmaking: Xenakis, 114
n-Polytope and the Cybernetic Path to Chaos
Chris Salter and Sofian Audry
Machinic Heterogenesis 144
Felix Guattari
Worldmaking as a Conceptual 164
Framework for Computational Art
Mark-David Hosale
Technê and Dispositif of Architecture 196
Sang Lee
Experiencing the World: 220
Wearable Technology and the Umwelt
Laura Beloff
Open Worlds: Bergson And 242
Computational Ontology
Graham Wakefield
Beyond Design: Cybernetics, 266
Biological Computers and Hylozoism
Andrew Pickering
Estranged Space Appropriated 296
Sana Murrani
Sentient Canopy: Prototype for resilient, 320
curious architecture
Philip Beesley
On the Dynamic Relation Between Thought 340
Ontologies and Materialised Ontologies
Kathrine Elizabeth L. Johansson
Towards a Genealogy and Futurology of 360
Art and Technology: New Media, Contemporary
Art, Collaboration
Edward Shanken
The Perception of the Future 384
and the Future of Perception
Heinz von Foerster
Contributors 400
Index 408
Image Listing 430