Acknowledgments VII
Introduction: The Pride and Glory of Web 2.0 IX
1. Blogging, the Nihilist Impulse 1
2. The Cool Obscure: Crisis of New Media Arts 39
3. Whereabouts of German Media Theory 83
4. Blogging & Building: The Netherlands After Digitization 99
5. Indifference of the Networked Presence: On Internet Time 117
6. Revisiting Sarai: Five Years of New Media Culture in India 131
7. ICT After Development: The Incommunicado Agenda 161
8. Updating Tactical Media: Strategies for Media Activism 185
9. Axioms of Free Cooperation: Contesting Online Collaboration 207
10. Theses on Distributed Aesthetics 225
11. Introducing Organized Networks: The Quest for 239
Sustainable Concepts.
Notes 257
Bibliography 285
Index 293