Table of Contents
Foreword and Acknowledgements 5
Art and the Biological Sublime in the 21st Century 8 Regime Rapp & Christian de Lutz
[macrolbiologies I: the biosphere 12
A Cinematic Archaeology of the Biosphere I The Phenomenon of the Postnatural I Thinking Landscape - Between Utopia and Dystopia I Aesthetic Geographies -Reflecting Urban Nature through Art and Science
[macro]biologies II: organisms 26
Reading the Aesthetics of Science I Aquatic Art Laboratories - On Native and Invasive Species I Encountering Amphibians - Between Art, Science and Eco Action
[microbiologies I: the bacterial sublime 38 Communicating Bacteria - Developing a Bacteriocentric View
[micro]biologies II: TrpojTEo/ proteo 46 At the Origin of Life - Entering Molecular Space
The macrotbiologies] & [micro] biologies Library 52
Rhythms of a Living World 60 Katya Gardea Browne
The Center for PostNatural History 62 Richard Pell
Nature and Us - Between Boundless Desires and Limited Compassion 64 Mathias Kessler
Mapping the Urban Grind Mill 66 Alexandra Regan Toland
Petri's Panoply 68 Suzanne Anker
BioBASE - The Eco Utopian Agent 70 Maja Smrekar
The Cry of Silent Forms 72 Brandon Ballengee
The Bacterial Sublime 74 Anna Dumitriu
wpwTEO / proteo 76 Joanna Hoffmann
Reflecting my Artistic Practice and Collaborating with Art Laboratory Berlin 79 Pinar Yoldas
Biostrike as Soil Art: Biotech Guerrillas in the Post-Antibiotic Age 83 Denisa Kera
Under the Surface, under the Skin. The Use of Synthetic Biology within the Artistic Practice of C-LAB 93 Desiree Forster
Biographies 94
Imprint and Photo Credits 98