Editor's note 5
Intoduction 10
A Frame Around Reality 24
Marianne Heier
Publicness: The Site Specifity of a Concept 36
Stian Grøgaard
Event listoccurring at "Pro-test lab" 46
or in relation to the "Pro-test against
privatization of Pylimo Street 17, cinema "Lietuva"
Gediminas and Nomeda Urbonas
A Problem of Style: Art vs Subculture 56
On the work of Gardar Eide Einarsson
Ina Blom
On Alternating, Dynamics and Movements 62
Peio Aguirre and Leire Vergara
Walk_Through_the_City 68
Tone Hansen
Forward to the Past-
The Concept of the Cultural Lighthouse 102
in Hamburg's HafenCity
Cornelia Sollfrank
Peter Tamm Loves the Navy 110
An interview with Cornelia Sollfrank
Tone Hansen
Untitled 116
Gardar Eide Einarsson
Biographies 144