
An archive of published things by You can browse, search, or see a random publication. The Neural Archive lists 1884 publications.

Publication index

  Title Year Country Author Publisher
avanto - 16.-18.11.2007 2007 Finland edited by Marko Home Avanto Festival
backup 2002 2002 Germany netzwerk filmfest e.V.
because I'm an artist too... 2012 The Netherlands Martine Neddam Martine Neddam
bioMediale 2004 Russia The National Center for Contemporary Arts
clickable poem@s 2016 Chile Luis Correa-Díaz RIL Editores
conversations with spaces 2017 Norway edited by HC Gilje Uten tittel
convex tv. There's a bandwidth playing on the radio. 2020 Germany VV.AA. convex tv.
device-art 2015 Croatia edited by Olga Majcen Linn, Tereza Teklič KONTEJNER
device_art - 2004 2004 Croatia edited by Olga Majcen, Sunčica Ostoić, Sandra Sajovic Kontejner & Pučko otvoreno učilište Velika Gorica
digitale forbindelser - en antology 2006 Denmark Yvette Brackman, Marie Rømer Westh Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, Billedkunstskolerne
do-TV 2001 The Netherlands Joanna van der Zanden, David Bell KesselsKramer
du - Zeitschrift für Kultur: Du, Nr.11, Net.Art. Rebellen im Internet. September 2000 2000 Switzerland VV.AA. Du Kulturmedien
e-motion 2009 Germany Jana Patz and Christina Klessmann President of the Berlin University of the Arts
edited by Ania Malinowska and Valentina Peri 2021 UK Data Dating: Love, Technology, Desire Intellect
emergentes / itinerancia Argentina / Chile / Colombia / México / Perù 2008 Argentina José-Carlos Mariátegui Espacio Fundación Telefónica
fdsfds None
h.o 2004-2005 2005 Austria h.o (hdoto) h.o
hipercubo/ok/ < arte, ciencia y tecnologia en contextos próximos > 2002 Colombia Andrés Burbano, Hernando Barragán Universidad del los Andes
iMedia: The Gendering of Objects, Environments and Smart Materials 2016 UK Sarah Kember Palgrave Pivot
immatière 2016 France Anne-Sarah Le Meur, Valentina Peri and Eléonore de Lavandeyra Schöffer Galerie Charlot
la villette - FESTIVAL 100% - 22.03-10.04 2016 France la villette la villette
mcd #1 | WJ-SPOTS: 15 years of artistic creation on the Internet 2009 France Anne Roquigny, Anne-Cécile Worms mcd
mcd #65 | L'internet voit vert' the culture of green tech 2011 France Anne-Cécile Worms mcd
mcd #68 | La Culture Libre - The Open Future 2012 France Anne-Cécile Worms mcd
mcd #69 | Net art – WJ-SPOTS#2 : Artists take over the network 2013 France Anne Roquigny mcd
mcd #73 | La numérisation du monde 2014 France Anne-Cécile Worms mcd
mcd #76 | Changer l'argent, We Grow Money We Eat Money We Shit Money 2015 France Anne-Cécile Worms mcd
mcd #77 | La politique de l'art 2015 France Anne-Cécile Worms mcd
mcd #78 | La conjuration des drones 2015 France Anne-Cécile Worms mcd
mcd #79 | Nouveaux récits du climat 2015 France Anne-Cécile Worms mcd
monochrom #6/7 1997 Austria Verein zur Förderung der selektiven Rezeptionsforschung im Sinne futurologischer Belange
monochrom 4/5 1996 Austria Verein zur Förderung der selektiven Rezeptionsforschung im Sinne futurologischer Belange
némo - Biennale Internazionale des Arts Numériques 2015 France Gilles Alvarez Arcadi Île-de-France
némo - Le Festival Arts Numériques d’Arcadi Île-de-France 2013 France Gilles Alvarez et Julien Taïb Arcadi Île-de-France
olhares de outono 2000 -2006 2006 Portugal Paulo Ferreira-Lopes Universidade Catolica Portuguesa
outre-ronde - Anne-Sarah Le Meur 2016 France edited by Edmond Couchot, Anne-Sarah Le Meur, Sonia Alves Galerie Charlot
paraflows .6 - LISTENING COMPREHENSION 2012 Austria edited by Günther Friesinger edition mono / monochrom
paraflows 08 - UTOPIA : Katalog zum Festival für digitale Kunst und Kulturen 2008 Austria Judith Fegerl, Günther Friesinger Edition Mono/Monochrom
paraflows 09 - Urban Hacking None Austria edited by Judith Fegerl, Günther Friesinger edition mono / monochrom
paraflows.10 - Mind and Matter 2010 Germany edition mono/monochrom
pasado / presente - Colección Nuevos Medios. Centro Pompidou 2010 Argentina Christine Van Assche Espacio Fundación Telefónica
perù/video/arte/electrónico - memorias del festival internacional de video/arte/electrónica 2003 Perù José Carlos Mariátegui Alta Tecnología Andina (ATA) and Universidad Ricardo Palma
pnek - 2011 2011 Norway Per Platou PNEK
pnek - 2012 2012 Norway Per Platou PNEK
pnek - 2013 2013 Norway Per Platou PNEK
pnek - 2014 2014 Norway Per Platou PNEK
pnek - 2015 2015 Norway Per Platou PNEK
pnek - 2016 2016 Norway Stahl Stenslie PNEK
pnek - 2017 2017 Norway Stahl Stenslie PNEK
pnek - 2018 2018 Norway Gyrid Nordal Kaldestad PNEK