On Line, Kunst Im Netz |
1992 |
Austria |
edited by Dr. Helga Konrad |
Steirische Kultur Initiative |
Phase Media Space, Time and the Politics of Smart Objects |
2017 |
James Ash |
Bloomsbury Academic |
Sex Sounds, Vectors of Difference in Electronic Music |
2022 |
Daniele Shlomit Sofer |
Mit Press |
The Jean Freeman Gallery Does Not Exist |
2018 |
Christopher Howard |
Mit Press |
The Middle Matter: sound as interstice |
2019 |
Belgium |
(edited by) Caroline Profanter, Henry Andersen, Julia Eckhardt |
Umland Editions |
Unusual Sounds: The Hidden History of Library Music |
2018 |
David Hollander |
Anthology Editions |
Vocal Projections: Voices in Documentary |
2018 |
(edited by) Maria Pramaggiore, Annabelle Honess Roe |
Bloomsbury Academic |
inf.ek.taDo - http://www.bakteria.org/ktalogo/ |
2005 |
Mexico |
Arcangelo Constantini |
(re)programming | Strategies for Self-Renewal |
2022 |
Slovenia |
(edited by) Janez Fakin Janša, Marko Bauer |
+kaos - 10 anni di hacking e mediattivismo |
2012 |
Italy |
edited by Laura Beritelli |
Autistici & Inventati |
0.01s: The First 1/100th Second Of 1-Bit Symphony |
2015 |
Tristan Perich |
Physical Editions |
0006_limiteazero |
2006 |
Italy |
Nicola Zanardi |
Hublab Edition |
100 Notions pour l'Art Numerique |
2015 |
France |
Marc Veyrat |
Les Éditions de l'Immatériel |
1st decade |
1998 |
Austria |
Station Rose |
Edition Selene |
24 hours in Cyberspace |
1996 |
Rick Smolan, Jennifer Erwitt |
Que Macmillan USA |
24/7, Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep |
2014 |
UK |
Jonathan Crary |
Verso |
25 MINUS HABENS - eXperYenZ |
2012 |
Italy |
Alessandro Ludovico |
Minus Habens |
30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science, and Theory |
2015 |
edited by Yuk Hui and Andreas Broeckmann |
Meson Press |
4x4 Generative Design: Beyond Photoshop (with Auto-Illustrator, Java, DBN, Lingo): Life/Oblivion |
2002 |
UK |
Adrian Ward & Golan Levin & Lia & Meta |
Friends of Ed Publishers |
56 Broken Kindle Screens |
2012 |
Silvio Lorusso, Sebastian Schmieg |
lulu.com |
8-Bit Reggae: Collision and Creolization |
2014 |
France |
Nicolas Nova |
éditions volumiques |
@ Is For Activism: Dissent, Resistance And Rebellion In A Digital Culture |
2011 |
UK |
Joss Hands |
Pluto Press |
A Bestiary of Anthropocene, On Hybrid Plants, Animals, Minerals, Fungi, and Other Specimens |
2021 |
The Netherland |
Nicolas Nova & DISNOVATION.ORG |
Onomatopee |
A Brief History Of Curating New Media Art - Conversations with Curators |
2010 |
Germany |
edited by Sarah Cook, Beryl Graham, Verina Gfader, Axel Lapp |
The Green Box - Kunst Editionen |
A Brief History of Working with New Media Art - Conversations with Artists |
2010 |
Germany |
edited by Sarah Cook, Beryl Graham, Verina Gfader, Axel Lapp |
The Green Box - Kunst Editionen |
A Capsule Aesthetic: Feminist Materialisms in New Media Art |
2018 |
Kate Mondloch |
University of Minnesota Press |
A Cat, A Dog, A Microwave… Cultural Practices and Politics of Image Datasets |
2023 |
UK |
edited by Nicolas Malevé & Ioanna Zouli |
The Photographers’ Gallery |
A Companion to Digital Art |
2016 |
UK |
edited by Christiane Paul |
Wiley-Blackwell |
A Decade To Download | The Internet Yami-Ichi 2012 – 2021 |
2022 |
Japan |
A Decade To Download Project Team |
exonemo |
A Geology of Media |
2015 |
Jussi Parikka |
University Of Minnesota Press |
A Hacker Manifesto |
2004 |
McKenzie Wark |
Harvard University Press |
A Little-Known Story about a Movement, a Magazine, and the Computer's Arrival in Art: New Tendencies and Bit International, 1961--1973 |
2011 |
Margit Rosen |
The MIT Press |
A Neoist Research Project |
2010 |
UK |
N O Cantsin |
OpenMute |
A Networked Self: Identity, Community, and Culture on Social Network Sites |
2010 |
Zizi Papacharissi |
Routledge |
A Philosophy of Computer Art |
2009 |
UK |
Dominic Lopes |
Routledge |
A Prehistory of the Cloud |
2015 |
Tung-hui Hu |
The Mit Press |
A Short Incomplete History of Technologies That Scale |
2023 |
Slovenia |
edited by Nóra Ó Murchú, Janez Fakin Janša |
Aksioma |
A Thousand Machines: A Concise Philosophy of the Machine as Social Movement |
2010 |
Gerald Raunig |
Semiotext(e) |
A soft hiss of this world |
2019 |
Germany |
Tim Ingold & Carmen Pardo & Mikel R. Nieto |
Gruenrekorder |
AUDINT—Unsound:Undead |
2019 |
UK |
Steve Goodman, Toby Heys, Eleni Ikoniadou |
Urbanomic / Art Editions |
Abstract Hacktivism: The making of a hacker culture |
2006 |
UK |
Otto von Busch & Karl Palmås |
OpenMute |
Abstraction Now |
2004 |
Austria |
Abstraction Now |
Camera Austria |
Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace |
2010 |
Ronald Deibert & John Palfrey & Rafal Rohozinski & Jonathan L. Zittrain |
The MIT Press |
Accountability Technologies: Tools for Asking Hard Questions |
2013 |
Austria |
Dietmar Offenhuber, Katja Schechtner |
Ambra |
Across & Beyond: A Transmediale Reader on Post-Digital Practices, Concepts, and Institutions |
2017 |
Germany |
Ryan Bishop, Kristoffer Gansing, Jussi Parikka, Elvia Wilk |
Sternberg Press |
Acts of Voicing: The Poetics and Politics of the Voice |
2015 |
Germany |
edited by Hans D. Christ, Iris Dressler, Christine Peters |
Aerial Aftermaths - Wartime from Above |
2018 |
UK |
Caren Kaplan |
Duke University Press |
Aeriology |
1995 |
New Zealand |
Joyce Hinterding |
Artspace |
Aesthetic Computing |
2008 |
Paul A. Fishwick |
The MIT Press |
Aesthetics of Interaction in Digital Art |
2013 |
Katja Kwastek |
The MIT Press |