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A Networked Self: Identity, Community, and Culture on Social Network Sites

Zizi Papacharissi
Publisher / Label
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages



Acknowledgments     VII

Introduction and keynote to A networked self 
Albert-László Barabási      1

-- Part I. Context: communication theory and social 
network sites     15

1. Interaction of interpersonal, peer, and media influence 
sources online: a research agenda for technology 
Joseph B. Walther, Caleb T. Carr, Scott Seung W. Choi, 
David C. Deandre, Jinsuk, Stephanie Tom Tong, 
and Brandon Van Der Heide     17

2. Social network sites as networked publics: affordances, 
dynamics, and implications 
Danah Boyd     39

3. Social networking: addictive, compulsive, problematic, 
or just another media habit? 
Robert Larose, Junghyun Kim, and Wei Peng     59

4. Social network exploitation
Mark Andrejevic     82

Part II. Social textures: emerging patterns of sociability 
on social network sites     103

5. Social network sites as virtual communities
Malcolm R. Parks     105

6. With a little help from my friends: how social 
network sites affect social capital processes
Nicole B. Ellison, Cliff Lampe, Charles Steinfield, 
and Jessica Vitak     124

7. From dabblers to omnivores: a typology of social 
network site usage
Eszter Hargittai and Yu-Li Patrick Hsieh     146

8. Exploring the use of social network sites in the 
Mary Beth Watson-Manheim     169

Part III. Convergent practices: intuitive appropriations 
of social network site affordances     183

9. United we stand?: online social network sites and civic 
Thomas J. Johnson, Weiwu Zhang, Shannon L. Bichard,
 and Trent Seltzer     185

10. Between Barack and a net place: motivations for using 
social network sites and blogs for political information
Barbara K. Kaye      208

11. Working in the Twittersphere: microblogging as 
professional identity construction
Dawn R. Gilpin     232

12. Look at us: collective narcissism in college student 
Facebook photo galleries
Andrew L. Mendelson and Zizi Papacharissi      251

13. Copyright, fair use, and social networks
Patricia Aufderheide     274

14. Artificial agents entering social networks 
Nikolaos Mavridis     291

Conclusion: a networked self 
Zizi Papacharissi     304

About the editor     319
List of contributors     320
Index     325