Series Foreword xi
Preface xiii
I Philosophy and Representation 1
1 An Introduction to Aesthetic Computing 3
Paul Fishwick
2 Goodman's Aesthetics and the Languages of Computing 29
John Lee
3 A Forty-Year Perspective on Aesthetic Computing in the Leonardo Journal 43
Roger F. Malina
4 The Interface as Sign and as Aesthetic Event 53
Frieder Nake and Susanne Grabowski
5 Metaphorical Dimensions of Diagrammatic Graph Representations 71
Ray Paton
II Art and Design 87
6 Metaphoric Mappings: The Art of Visualization 89
Donna Cox
7 Public Space of Knowledge: Artistic Practice in Aesthetic Computing 115
Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss
8 Visually Encoding Numbers Utilizing Prime Factors 137
Kenneth A. Huff
9 From the Poesy of Programming to Research as Art From 169
Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer
10 Transdisciplinary Collaboration in ``Cell'' 185
Jane Prophet and Mark d'Inverno
11 Processing Code: Programming Within the Context of Visual Art and
Design 197
Casey Reas and Ben Fry
III Mathematics and Computing 227
12 Aesthetics and the Visualization and Quality of Software 229
Stephan Diehl and Carsten Gorg
13 Aesthetics and Mathematics: Connections Throughout History 239
Michele Emmer
14 Aesthetic Computing and Shape 259
Frederic Fol Leymarie
15 The Foundations of Aesthetics 289
Michael Leyton
16 Aesthetics of Large-Scale Relational Information Visualization in
Practice 315
Aaron Quigley
17 The Well-Tempered Compiler? The Aesthetics of Program Auralization 335
Paul Vickers and James L. Alty
IV Interface and Interaction 355
18 Tertiary Artifacts at the Interface 357
Olav W. Bertelsen
19 Transparency and Reflectivity: Digital Art and the Aesthetics of
Interface Design 369
Jay David Bolter and Diane Gromala
20 Articulating the use Qualities of Digital Designs 383
Jonas Lowgren
21 Exploring Attributes of Skins as Potential Antecedents of Emotion in
HCI 405
Noam Tractinsky and Dror Zmiri
About the Authors 423
Index 435