8 Credits, Acknowledgements
11 A Very Sonic Membrane - filmachine.
By Andreas Broeckmann and Stefan Riekeles
21 Composing filmachine and filmachine phonics.
By Keiichiro Shibuya
33 Towards a New Form in Music.
Keiichiro Shibuya and Takashi Ikegami in conversation
47 A New Concept of Sound and Space in Art.
Kazunao Abe and Keiichiro Shibuya in conversation
51 filmachine/filmachine phonics:
A Framework for Open Compositions.
By Takashi Ikegami et al.
69 Between Recurrence and Variation.
Otto E. Rössler in conversation
83 Consciousness, Experience, and Unpredictability.
Alva Noë and Takashi Ikegami in conversation
89 Biographies
95 Photo credits