Series Foreword ix
Acknowledgments xi
Foreword: Fragments as Monument xiii
Erkki Huhtamo
Introduction: Writing and Unwriting (Media) Art History xvii
Jussi Parikka and Joasia Krysa
I Archival Life 1
Foreword 1
Perttu Rastas
1 "Oh, Human Fart" (2004) 5
Erkki Kurenniemi
2 Relative Life (2003) 11
Erkki Kurenniemi
3 Audio Diary C4008-1 (1971) 19
Erkki Kurenniemi
4 Fleshy Intensities 29
Susanna Paasonen
II Visual Archive 41
III Artistic Practice 85
Foreword 85
Joasia Krysa
5 Message Is Massage (1971) 91
Erkki Kurenniemi
6 Computer Eats Art (1972-1982) 97
Erkki Kurenniemi
7 Computer-Integrated Art (ca. 1986) 107
Erkki Kurenniemi
8 The Unbearable Non-Artist from "l'Homme machine" to
Algorithmic Afterlife: Non-Cartesian Cybernetics and Aesthetic
Embodiment in Erkki Kurenniemi 113
Lars Bang Larsen
9 Archiving the Databody: Human and Nonhuman Agency
in the Documents of Erkki Kurenniemi 125
Geoff Cox, Nicolas Maleve, and Michael Murtaugh
IV Science/Technology
Foreword 143
jussi Parikka
10 The Origins of Life, Intelligence, and Technology (1994) 149
Erkki Kurenniemi
11 Supermegatechnologies: Some Thoughts on the
Future (1999-2000) 159
Erkki Kurenniemi
12 Graph Field Theory (1990) 173
Erkki Kurenniemi
13 Interfaces of Future Authenticity: Erkki Kurenniemi's
Media Archives (From a Postcybernetic Perspective) 191
Morten Sendergaard
14 E-Kurenniemics: Becoming Archive in Electronic Devices 203
Wolfgang Ernst
15 Capturing Life: Biopolitics, Social Media, and Romantic Irony 213
Eivind Ressaak
V Music 225
Foreword 225
Petri Kuljuntausta
16 Tonal Theory (2003) 231
Erkki Kurenniemi
17 Chords, Scales, and Divisor Lattices (2003) 233
Erkki Kurenniemi
18 On Electronic Music Instruments (1971) 255
Erkki Kurenniemi
19 Interaction of Music and Technology: The Music and Musical
Instruments of Erkki Kurenniemi 261
Kai Lassfolk, jari Suominen, and Mikko Ojanen
20 On Sound and Artificial Neural Networks 279
Florian Hecker and Robin Mackay
VI Interviews 291
21 Drifting Golf Balls in Monasteries: A Conversation with
Erkki Kurenniemi (2001) 293
Mika Taaniia
22 Artificial Reality: An Interview between Teppo Turkki and
Erkki Kurenniemi (1987) 307
Teppo Turkki and Erkki Kurenniemi
23 Robots Go to Work: Interview with Aura (1979) 317
Erkki Kurenniemi
Contributors 323
Index 329