Series Foreword ix
Foreword: The Leonardo Women, Art, and Technology Project
Patricia Bentson xii
Preface xv
Introduction: At the Intersection of Art and Technology in a Time of Transformation
Judy Malloy xx
I Overviews
1 Women and the Search for Visual Intelligence
Patric D. Prince 2
2 The Poetics of Interactivity
Margaret Morse 16
3 Women, Body, Earth
Sheila Pinkel 34
4 Restructuring Power: Telecommunication Works Produced by Women
Anna Couey 54
5 Through the Looking Glass
Kathy Brew 86
II Artists' Papers
6 My Love Affair with Art: Video and Installation Work
Steina 104
7 Transmission
Joan Jonas 114
8 The Individual Voice As a Political Voice: Critiquing and Challenging the Authority of Media
Dara Birnbaum 134
9 Small Leaps to Ascend the Apple Tree
Jo Hanson 148
10 Shifting Positions Toward the Earth: Art and Environmental Awareness
Helen Mayer Harrison and Newton Harrison 160
11 Process(ing) Interactive Art: Using People as Paint, Computer as Brush, and Installation Site as Canvas
Sonya Rapoport 180
12 Touch-Sensitivity and Other Forms of Subversion: Interactive Artwork
Lynn Hershman 192
13 Bicycle TV: Expo '92 Installation
Nancy Paterson 206
14 Acoustic and Virtual Space as a Dynamic Element of Music
Pauline Oliveros 212
15 "I Always Like to Go Where I Am Not Supposed to Be"
Rebecca Allen and Erkki Huhtamo 224
16 Algorithmic Art, Scientific Visualization, and Teleimmersion: An Evolving Dialog with the Universe
Donna J. Cox 242
17 My Autobiographical Media History: Metaphors of Interaction, Communication, and Body Using Electronic Media
Agnes Hegedus 260
18 Reflections on Some Installation Projects
Judith Barry 276
19 Do While Studio
Jennifer Hall and Blyth Hazen 290
20 Tech Work by Heart
Brenda Laurel 302
21 Imagine a Space Filled with Data...
Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss 312
22 Landscape, Earth, Body, Being, Space, and Time in the Immersive Virtual Environments Osmose and Ephemere
Char Davies 322
23 Sound Installations and Spatialization
Cecile Le Prado 338
24 A Tool Is a Tool
Pamela Z 348
25 Production and Reproduction
Nell Tenhaaf 362
26 Your Words, My Silent Mouth: Trying to Make Narrative Sense out of Nonnarrative Work (A Brief Collection of Interviews and Polemics in the Interest of Aesthetic Quasi-Clarity)
Allucquere Rosanne Stone 376
27 Video Arte Povera: Lo-Fi Rules!
Valerie Soe 388
28 Face Settings: An International Co-Cooking and Communication Project by Eva Wohlgemuth and Kathy Rae Huffman
Kathy Rae Huffman 398
29 Diane Fenster: The Alchemy of Vision
Diane Fenster and Celia Rabinovitch 412
30 Pigs, Barrels, and Obstinate Thrummers
Linda Austin and Leslie Ross 426
31 Fleshmotor
Dawn Stoppiello and Mark Coniglio 440
III Concluding Essays
32 Embodiment and Narrative Performance
Jaishree K. Odin 452
33 Brazilian Counterparts: Old Histories and New Designs
Simone Osthoff 466
34 Technology Has Forgotten Them: Developing-World Women and New Information Technologies
Martha Burkle Bonecchi 478
35 Crossing the Threshold: Examining the Public Space of the Web Through Day Without Art Web Action
Carol Stakenas 492
36 Contested Zones: Futurity and Technological Art
Zoe Sofia 502
Appendix: Listing of Web Site Contents 523
Contributors 527