5 Curating Context
Bronaċ Ferran
8 Visualising Cambridge
Chris Owen
16 Networking the Ingenious City
Andy Robinson
20 Reality Rules
Bettina Furnée
24 Lagoglyphs: Mark and Meaning
Eduardo Kac
31 Development Process
Rob Toulson
32 Lifestreams
Giles Lane and David Walker
33 Poetry, Language, Code, Industry
Liliane Lijn
46 Statement on Holopoetry
Eduardo Kac
48 Like Escher on Acid
Interview with William Latham
by Bronaċ Ferran
55 Main Grounds (Aneg) 5.6
Alan Sutcliffe
60 Sharing Electronic Music Performance
Tom Hall
64 Moving Between Poetry and Code
Ernest Edmonds
72 'Of Sleeping Birds'
The Audience Become the Orchestra
Duncan Speakman
78 About the Contributors
80 Untitled
Gustav Metzger