Documentaries:; VEEJAY-NIGHTS [SAMPLER]; VEEJAY-NIGHTS [LONDON]; Live Performances:;
Actop Live (Actop, Spain) / Light Turned Down (D-Fuses, UK) / Miss You Live (8GG, China) /
C-trl Laabs Live (C-trl Labs, USA) / Kabaret (UVA, UK) All Points Between (The Light Surgeons, UK) /
Alter Ego (D-Fuse/Scanner, UK) / Elliott Earls Live (Elliott Earls, USA); Videos:;
Untitled (Actop, Spain) / VJ Moto Reel Vol 3 (VJ Moto, USA) / Cityscan 4.11 (HFR-Lab, UK) /
Cry Dog Crty (Delaware, Japan) / Neue Stadt (Dienstalle, Germany) / To the Music (UVA, UK) /
The Saranay Motel (Elliott Earls, USA) Timber (Hexstatic, UK) / Fuse (Visual Kitchen, Belgium) /
Bolt (Arianne Giel, Germany) / Interlomas (Ben Sheppee vs Squared Labs, USA) /
Contra Flow (Stuart Crundwell, UK) / Reel 9 (The Light Surgeons, UK) / Sturcture (Nokami, Canada) /
BMW Intro (D-Fuse/Fluid, UK) / Remix Extract (D-Fuse/Power Graphixx, UK/Japan) /
Memories (D-Fuse/Scanner, UK). OVERVIEW; Last Night a VJ Zapped My Retinas; Adrian Shaughnessy;
The Roots of VJing; Bram Crevits - Cimatics; A/V; Have you Seen the Messiah?;
Eliott Earls -
Emigre; Sampling; Chris Allen - The Light Surgeons; Concert Visuals; Vello Virkhaus - V-Squared;
New Formats/New Futures; Mike Downs - The Pavement; Listening to Pictures; Robin Rimbaud - Scanner; Passport to VJing; Edith Garcia - D-Fuse;
VJ ARTISTS; USA; * NYC and East Coast; * LA and West Coast; Europe;
* London and United Kingdom; * Berlin and Germany; * Benelux; * France; * Austria;
* Spain; * Rest of Europe; Global; * Tokyo and Japan; * Russia; * China; * Australasia;
* Montreal and Canada; * Global; VJ RESOURCES; Hardware;
Software/VJ Set Up; * Modul 8; * Apple Motion; * Max Msp/Jitter.