Serials 6 ctrl_alt_del 12
Testing Ground 16 Latitude 14
Earshot 26 Hikikomori 32
Pavilion 34 Multipl3x 40
Pavilion 2 42 Safe and Sound 56
Pole 50 Mezzanine 68
Display 58 Kendo Bahn Orchestra 70
Panels 72 Storm, for live electronics
Probe 86 and field recordings 84
Working Islands 92 Measured Shuffle 122
Proximity Effect 100 This is lecture 138
City Chase 106
Dot Pitch 2 116
Measured Shuffle (Probe) 124
Shift 130
Platform 140
Stage ctrl_alt_del 146
Tracker 152
Paul Devens' fullness of sound 10
Armeno Alberts
Relentless Search for Spatial Links 46
Emre Erkal
When Form follows Function : A Contemporary Perspective on Sound 76
Rahma Khazam
What "Stay inside, we are under attack", 112
About sound terror and the media-critical aspects in Paul Devens'
Testing Ground
Ive Stevenheydens