
An archive of published things by You can browse, search, or see a random publication. The Neural Archive lists 1884 publications.

Publication index

  Title Year Country Author Publisher
Tiempo estático - 20 años de arte electrónico 2010 Argentina Jim Campbell Espacio Fundación Telefónica
Time & Motion : Redefining Working Life 2014 UK Edited by Emily Gee , Jeremy Myerson Liverpool University Press
Time - CYBERPUNK - Virtual sex, smart drugs and synthetic rock 'n' roll! A futuristic subculture erupts from the electronic underground. 1993 USA edited by Jason McManus Elisabeth Valk Long
Time - Computer Viruses n.39 1988 USA edited by Jason McManus Robert L. Miller
Time’s Up – Ambiguous & Incomplete 2018 Austria Lückenhaft & Kryptisch Revolver Publishing
Todd Deutsch gamers 2008 Italy Quaranta Domenico; Slade George Fabio Paris Editions
Tokens: The Future of Money in the Age of the Platform 2023 UK Rachel O’Dwyer Verso
Toshio Iwai 1994 Germany Päivi Talasmaa ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe
Touch Me festival - OutInOpen / K-021 2005 Croatia KONTEJNER KONTEJNER
Towards the Third Culture. The Co-Existence of Art, Science and Technology / W stronę trzeciej kultury. Koegzystencja sztuki, nauki i technologii 2011 Poland Ryszard W. Kluszczyński CSW Łaźnia
Toy Instruments: Design, Nostalgia, Music 2010 USA Eric Schneider Mark Batty Publisher
Transdiscourse 1: Mediated Environments 2011 Austria edited by Andrea Gleiniger , Angelika Hilbeck, Jill Scott Springer
Transit - European Young Talents Forum 2011 Germany edited by Hermann Noering European Media Art Festival
Transmediale 2019 2019 Germany Kristoffer Gansing Transmediale
Transurbanism 2002 The Netherlands Joke Brouwer, Philip Brookman, Arjen Mulder NAi Publisher
Tresor: True Stories – The Early Years 2022 Germany VV.AA. Tresor
Trigger Happy 2001 UK Steven Poole Fourth Estate Paperbacks
Triste Tropique: Topographies of Sadness 2018 France Damien Rudd, Cécile Coulon Jean Boîte Éditions
Turing and the Universal Machine - The Making of the Modern Computer 2017 UK Jon Agar Icon Books
Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction 2005 USA Montfort The MIT Press
Twitter Bot Encyclopedia 2014 The Netherlands Elizaveta Pritychenko
Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software 2008 USA Christopher M. Kelty Duke University Press Books
Tying the story to data: The Graffiti Markup Field Recorder Challenge 2011 Brussels Evan Roth and Femke Snelting, Peter Westenberg, Michele Walther, Stéphanie Villayphiou, John Haltiwanger and momo3010 Constant Verlag
UBI 2002 France Yann Chateigné, Alice Barbaza, Alexandre Perrier, Hervé Caumont, Benoit Courribet, Cécilé Herjan, Marie Cozette association accès)s( cultures électroniques
URO YPO 2015 Denmark Galleri Alice Galleri Alice - Media Hacking vs. Conceptual Art 2009 Germany lizvlx & Hans Bernhard & Alessandro Ludovico Christoph Merian
Ukryta Dekada. Polska sztuka wideo 1985-95 / The Hidden Decade. Polish Video Art 1985-1996 2010 Poland Piotr Krajewski WRO Media Art Center Foundation
Ultrablack Of Music 2020 Germany edited by Achim Szepanski Mille Plateaux
Uncanny Networks: Dialogues with the Virtual Intelligentsia 2004 USA Geert Lovink The MIT Press
Uncommon Grounds: New Media and Critical Practice in North Africa and the Middle East 2014 UK Anthony Downey I. B. Tauris
Uncurating Sound, Knowledge with Voice and Hands 2023 UK Salomé Voegelin Bloomsbury Academic
Underneath the Knowledge Commons 2005 J. Berry Slater Mute
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art 2000 USA Scott Mccloud Harper Paperbacks
Understanding Media Theory 2004 The Netherlands Arjen Mulder NAi Publishers/V2-Organization
Unfinished: Scars of the Past / Face of the Future 2007 Serbia edited by Bull.Miletic Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade
Unidisplay 2013 Germany Carsten Nicolai Gestalten
Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism 2008 USA Ian Bogost The MIT Press
Unsound - Future Shock 2011 Poland Mat Schulz unsound
Update 2.0 Medien Kunst Aktuell aus Deutschland / Current Media Art from Germany 2000 Germany Rudolf Frieling ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe
Update_5: Technology as Context 2014 Belgium MER Paper Kunsthalle
Updating to Remain the Same - Habitual New Media 2016 USA Wendy Hui Kyong Chun Mit Press
User: InfoTechnoDemo 2005 USA Peter Lunenfeld The MIT Press
Utopian Entrepreneur 2001 USA Brenda Laurel The MIT Press
V2_Lab Show 2013 The Netherlands V2_Lab, Arie Altena V2_Publishing
VIDEOEXperimental 98 1998 Switzerland VV.AA. publisher VIDEOEX
VJ: Audio-Visual Art and VJ Culture: Includes DVD 2006 UK D-Fuse Laurence King Publishers
VOICE: Vocal Aesthetics in Digital Arts and Media 2010 USA Norie Neumark & Ross Gibson & Theo Van Leeuwen The MIT Press
VOID 2016 Switzerland edited by Margarete Jahrmann and Max Moswitzer Private Publishing House
Vague n.21 1988 UK Vague
Valija Diplomática Low Cost Diplomatic Bag 2015 Spain Nilo Casares Embassy of Spain in Camberra