4 Transit - European Young Talents Forum. Hermann Noering
6 »move. crouch. roll.«
Nadine Ibo Bachmann von Werder
Kiel, Essayfilm. D 2011
7 »Car/Circle of fourths«
Gertjan Bisschop
Wevelgem, Film, B 2010
Gent, Film, B 2009
Philip Boettger
Enschede, Installation, NL 2010-2011
8 »H-Shima«
Jean Bonichon
Clermont Ferrand, Installation, F 2010
Nick Defour
Brüssel, Performance, B 2011
9 »Blank Screens«
Justine Emard
Clermont Ferrand, Installation, F 2010
Philipp Engelhardt
Karlsruhe, Interactive Installation, D 2010
Valentijn Goethals
Gent, Installation and Performance, B 2011
12 »Selfportraits«
Felix Grünschloss
Karlsruhe, Installation, D 2011
»The Way to Success«
Michael Gülzow
Kiel, Video, D 2011
13 »Moncley«
Semra Henin & Jill Teichgraeber
Kiel, Video Installation, D 2010
Kilian Kretschmer
Karlsruhe, Videoperfomance, D 2010
14 »We’ve never seen a night which has finished by reaching a day«
Ju Hyoung Lee
Poitiers, Video Installation, F 2010
»Mother’s Cell«
Katarzyna Pacura
Poznan, Video Installation, PL 2010
15 »The bridge«
Stefan Piat
Gent, Photography, B 2010
»At 250 miles per hour«
Felix Porato
Poitiers, Video Installation, F 2010
16 »Voyage A Belgique«
Ilse Proost
Gent, Video Installation, B 2010
Enrique Ramirez
Tourcoing, Le Fresnoy, Installation, F 2011
17 »Map is not the territory«
August Sai
Tallinn, Video Installation, EST 2010
»The Singing Rocking Chair«
Sergej Titov
Enschede, Interacitive Installation, NL 2010
18 »Hall Of Fame«
Timo Toots
Tallinn, Interactive Installation, EST 2009-2011<7b>
Charlotte Van Wouwe
Gent, Performance, B 2008
19 »The machine«
Marc Tobias Winterhagen
Poznan, Installation, PL 2011
20 »Sleeping on a line«
Elzbieta Wysakoska-Walters
Poznan, Video Installation, PL 2010
21 European Media Art Festival EMAF - Osnabrück, Germany
22 Vidéoformes - Clermont-Ferrand, France
FLACC - Belgium