Acknowledgments ix
Introduction 1
I Subcultural Origins, 2003-2007 13
1 Defining Terms: The Origins and Evolution of Subcultural Trolling 15
2 The Only Reason to Do Anything: Lulz, Play, and the Mask of Trolling 27
3 Toward a Method/ology 37
II The "Golden Years," 2008-2011 49
4 The House That Fox Built: Anonymous, Spectacle, and Cycles of
Amplification 51
5 LOLing at Tragedy: Facebook Trolls, Memorial Pages, and the Business of
Mass-Mediated Disaster Narratives 71
6 Race and the No-Spin Zone: The Thin Line between Trolling and
Corporate Punditry 95
7 Dicks Everywhere: The Cultural Logics of Trolling 115
III The Transitional Period, 2012-2015 135
8 The Lulz Are Dead, Long Live the Lulz: From Subculture to
Mainstream 137
9 Where Do We Go from Here? The Importance of Spinning Endlessly 153
Notes 171
Bibliography 199
Index 225