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Uncanny Networks: Dialogues with the Virtual Intelligentsia

Geert Lovink
Publisher / Label
The MIT Press
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages


Series Foreword                                                  X
Foreword                                                         XII
Acknowledgments                                                  XVI

The Art of Electric Dialogue: Self-Interview as Introduction     2
Geert Lovink

"We don't know what it is we invented"                           12
Dietmar Kamper

Rethinking Media Aesthetics                                      18
Norbert Bolz

Heidegger Online                                                 28
Michael Heim

Civil Society, Fanaticism, and Digital Reality                   36
Slavoj Zizek

Data Trash: The Theory of the Virtual Class                      50
Arthur Kroker

How to Turn Your Liability into an Asset: Media, Art, and 
Politics in Post-Communist Bulgaria                              58
Luchezar Boyadjiev

Pax Electronica: Against Crisis-Driven Global Telecommunication  74
Gayatri Spivak

Digital Constructivism: What Is European Software?               82
Lev Manovich

"We no longer collect the carrier but the information": 
On Movements, Archives, and Media Memory                         96
Tjebbe van Tijen

Bandwidth and Accountability                                     104
Saskia Sassen

Building a Progressive, Pragmatic Futurism                       112
Mark Dery

About the Brazilianization of India                              122
Ravi Sundaram

Cultural Imperialism and Information Inequality                  132
Herbert I. Schiller

Taiwan Media and Inter-Asia Cultural Studies                     138
Kuan-Hsing Chen

The Ins and Outs of the Soros Internet Program in Former 
Eastern Europe                                                   144
Jonathan Peizer

There Is No Information, Only Transformation                     154
Bruno Latour

Implosion, Media, and the Arts in Albania                        162
Eduard Muka

The Computer: Medium or Calculating Machine?                     186
Hartmut Winkler

Gated Communities, Themeparks, Youth Revolts                     196
Mike Davis

Art in the Age of the Mobile Phone: Text Messages from Finland   204
Marita Liulia

Media Wars and the Humanitarian (Non-)Interventions              214
Thomas Keenan

Audio Freedom                                                    224
Zina Kaye

Enemy of Nostalgia, Victim of the Present                        232
Peter Lunenfeld

National Heritage and Body Politics                              246

"The insider is curious, the outsider is suspicious"             254
Boris Groys

Urban Techno Tribes and the Japanese Recession                   262
Toshiya Ueno

Intermedia: The Digital Bauhaus                                  276
Janos Sugar

Demystifying the Virtual Power Structures                        288
Susan George

Media Philosophy beyond the Dualism of Image and Text            294
Frank Hartmann

Real and Virtual Light of Relational Architecture                304
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

The Power of Multiplicity and the Multiplicity of Power          314
McKenzie Wark

"I am a believer in the symbolic aspect of culture clashes"      326
Calin Dan

Cyberselfishness Explained                                       336
Carolina Borsook

"Everything was to be done. All the adventures are still there"	 348
Kodwo Eshun

Profiles                                                         360
Sources                                                          371