58 COVER: Here Come the Cyberpunks!
Loaded with equal portions of technology and attitude, a new
subculture is bubbling up from the computer underground
and surfing the dark edges of information age
62 Electronic Outlaw - How a hacker landed in jail
26 THE ADMINISTRATION: Clinton's Amateur Hour
The President collides with Congress and the Pentagon
29 ARMED FORCES: The Secret Life of Gays
For homosexuals in uniform, deception is a necessary habit
31 THE FIRST LADY: Hillary's Challenge
The President's wife lands a bigjob can't neglect tradition
32 AN APPRECIATION: Justice Thurgood Marshall
A former clerk recalls the days and nights of the great jurist
35 CITIES: Fear and Division in L.A.
A tense metropolis prepares for two racially charged trials
37 SOCIETY: A Teacher's Life at Risk
Two girls are prevented from committing murder in class
38 BOOK EXCERPT: Present at the Destruction
How George Shultz fought the sandbagging of his policies
51 MIDDLE EAST: A Lesson in Deportment
The U.S. wants Israel to look for a strategic retreat
54 BUSINESS: Board Games
Puppets no more, corporate directors turn on their masters
56 TECHNOLOGY: Do Cellular Phones Cause Cancer?
Despite scanty evidence, people are panicking
57 SCIENCE: The French Do It Faster
The first human genome map won't be made in the U.S.A.
66 LIVING: A Farewell to the Big Book
The Sears catalog was much more than a shopping aid
68 FASHION: An American in Paris
Oscar de la Renta takes over - and spruces up - staid Balmain
THEATER In The Last Yankee, Arthur Miller ages splendidly .....72
TELEVISION Paul McCartney robustly revisits his Beatles past ..72
CINEMA A bright satirical intelligence gleams in Matinee ......78
ART Jeff Koons promotes gloss, glitz and Jeff Koons ...........78
SHORT TAKES ...................................................83
Cover: Illustration for Time by Bart Nagel
LETTERS ....................8