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Uncommon Grounds: New Media and Critical Practice in North Africa and the Middle East

Anthony Downey
Publisher / Label
I. B. Tauris
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages



9 Preface

11 Notes on Texts and Artists’ Inserts

13 Introduction
Anthony Downey

30 2011 is not 1968
An Open Letter to an Onlooker
Philip Rizk

39 The Paradox of Media Activism
The Net is not a Tool, It’s an Environment
Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi

47 Revolution Triptych

53 For the Common Good?
Artistic Practices and Civil Society in Tunisia
Anthony Downey

70 Citizens Reporting and the Fabrication of Collective Memory
Jens Maier-Rothe, Dina Kafafi and Azin Feizabadi

86 Performing the Undead
Life and Death in Social Media and Contemporary Art
Nat Muller

Artists’ Inserts
97 Wafaa Bilal, 3rdi
103 Sarah Abu Abdallah, Saudi Automobile
107 Fayçal Baghriche, Family Friendly
117 Ganzeer, Manazer
123 Roy Samaha, Untitled for Several Reasons

129 Art’s Networks
A New Communal Model
Derya Yücel

136 When the Going Gets Tough …

148 Potential Media
The Appropriation of Images, Commercial Media and Activist
Practices in Egypt Today
Maxa Zoller

163 A Critical Reflection on Aesthetics and Politics in the Digital Age
Dina Matar

169 Digital, Aesthetic, Ephemeral
A Brief Look at Image and Narrative
Sheyma Buali

184 New Media and the Spectacle of the War on Terror
Maymanah Farhat

201 The Magnetic Remanences
Voice and Sound in Digital Art and Media
Nermin Saybaşılı

214 Re-examining the Social Impulse
Politics, Media and Art after the Arab Uprisings
Omar Kholeif

Artists’ Inserts
225 Tarzan and Arab, Gazawood
235 Sophia Al-Maria, Chewing the Data Fat
241 Hans Haacke for Gulf Labor
247 Rabih Mroué, The Pixelated Revolution

257 Arab Glitch
Laura U. Marks

272 The Many Afterlives of Lulu
Amal Khalaf

291 Cardboard Khomeini: An Interrogation
Annabelle Sreberny

302 The Art of the Written Word and New Media Dissemination
Across the Borders between Syria and Lebanon
Tarek Khoury

318 On Revolution and Rubbish
What has Changed in Tunisia since Spring 2011
Timo Kaabi-Linke

332 Saadiyat and the Gulf Labor Boycott
Gulf Labor

344 Contributors

353 Acknowledgements

354 Image Credits

356 Index