1 Computer Hackers <GML> Graffiti Writers
Graffiti Markup Language
1 Brussels, July 2010
2 Archive graffiti in ways of code
3 Domain specificity
4 A handshake between communities
4 It is no big deal if you keep one
5 I hope that people play nicely
5 Tying the story to data
6 Influencing communities
7 It takes little to come up with great ideas
8 Graffiti is hard to accept
8 Gesture vs. Graffiti
9 What’s the license on GML?
9 Standards allow collaboration
9 The wish-list
10 Paris, December 2010
11 You end up speaking to people you already work with
11 Is it the money?
12 Getting data from the wall or from the hand
12 Competition and collaboration
14 Calibration
15 Capturing vs. projecting
16 Documentation as an excuse to be taken along
16 Capturing conversation
17 Was using an XML-like structure a bad idea?
18 Hacking the standard
18 How to visualize motion in print
18 Drawing with computers
19 The next challenge
19 That is how my hand moved
20 The Graffiti Markup Field Recorder challenge
26 Paris, November 2011
27 Taking pride in a project with wings
27 It is harder to release a piece than a tool
28 Graffiti culture
28 Hacking the limitations of gesture
29 The burn-factor
29 Social limits of referentiality
30 Feeling comfortable vs. having permission
30 Normalizing
31 Global insurgent subcultures
31 A handshake between communities II
32 It is different where it is coming from
33 Deprecation
34 Chat with momo3010, November 2011