Series Foreword VII
Preface IX
Acknowledgments XII
Introduction: The Paradox of Voice XV
Norie Neumark
I Capturing VOICE 1
1 Vox Humana : The Instrumental Representation of the Human
Voice 5
Theo van Leeuwen
2 Before the Beep : A Short History of Voice Mail 17
Thomas Y. Levin
3 Voice-Cast : The Distribution of the Voice via Podcasting 33
Virginia Madsen and John Potts
4 Four Rooms 61
Theresa M. Senft
5 The Crackle of the Wire : Media, Digitization, and the Voicing of
Aboriginal Languages 71
Martin Thomas
II Preforming VOICE 91
6 Doing Things with Voices : Performativity and Voice 95
Norie Neumark
7 Voice, Dance, Process, and the "Predigital": Simone Forti and Yvonne
Rainer in the Early 1960s 119
Meredith Morse
8 Raw Orality : Sound Poetry and Live Bodies 147
Brandon LaBelle
9 Vocal Textures 173
Amanda Stewart
10 Professor VJ's Big Blog Mashup 191
Mark Amerika
III Reanimating VOICE 207
11 Carbon and Silicon 211
Ross Gibson
12 Cheats or Glitch? : Voice as a Game Modification in Machinima 225
Isabelle Arvers
13 Filmic Voices 243
Helen Macallan and Andrew Plain
14 Voice, Videogames, and the Technologies of Immersion 267
Mark Ward
15 The Play of the Voice : The Role of the Voice in Contemporary Video
and Computer Games 281
Axel Stockburger
IV At the Human Limits of VOICE 301
16 Humming 305
Michael Taussig
17 "Digital Ghosts" : Voice and Migratory Hauntings 319
Nermin Saybasili
18 Media Voices : Beyond Talking Heads 345
Giselle Beiguelman
19 Vocalizing the Posthuman 361
Philip Brophy
List of Contributors 383
Index 385