Virtual Spaces: Sex and the Cyber Citizen
- Author
- Cleo Odzer
- Publisher / Label
- Berkley Trade
- Country
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 1997
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 256
- 9780425159866
Introduction 1 (11) 1. Hot Chat 12 (24) 2. The Net/MOO Sex 36 (44) 3. Sex at the Palace 80 (20) 4. CUseedick 100 (18) 5. Addiction/Obsession/Love 118 (18) 6. Jealousy/Loss/Anger 136 (19) 7. Fantasy/Illusion/VR-RL Clash 155 (18) 8. Community 173 (38) 9. Consequences? 211 (32) Bibliography 243