Visual Music: Synaesthesia in Art and Music Since 1900
- Author
- Kerry Brougher & Jeremy Strick & Ari Wiseman & Judith Zilczer
- Publisher / Label
- Thames & Hudson
- Country
- UK
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2005
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 271
- 9780500512173
Foreword NED RIFKIN ANDJEREMY STRICK 6 Preface and Acknowledgments 10 Visual Music JEREMY STRICK 14 Music for the Eyes: Abstract Painting and Light Art JUDITH ZILCZER Visual-Music Culture KERRY BROUGHER 38 Expanding the Synaesthetic Paradigm ARI WISEMAN 18! Scriabin to Gershwin: Color Music from a Musical Perspective OLSVIA MATTIS Checklist of the Exhibition 230 Chronology 235 Biographies 249 Selected Bibliography 262 21C