Making It Heard, A History of Brazilian Sound Art |
2019 |
UK |
edited by Rui Chaves, Fernando Iazzetta |
Bloomsbury |
Making Magic Machines |
2013 |
Sweden |
Kristina Andersen |
Making Sense: Cognition, Computing, Art, and Embodiment |
2017 |
Simon Penny |
Mit Press |
Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy |
2005 |
Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel |
The MIT Press |
Making Things and Drawing Boundaries - Experiments in the Digital Humanities |
2017 |
edited by Jentery Sayers |
University of Minnesota Press |
Making Video "In" - The contested ground of alternative video on the West Coast |
2000 |
Canada |
edited by Jennifer Abbott |
Video In Studios |
Mal Au Pixel #7 - Network Hack |
2012 |
France |
Artkillart |
La Gaîté Lyrique |
Manifestos For The Internet Age |
2015 |
France |
VV.AA. |
Grayscale Press |
Mapping - Media Festivals |
2011 |
The Netherlands |
Hans van Rompaey & Annette Wolfsberger (essay), Annelot Dits, Lot Treffers |
virtueel_platform |
Mapping Beyond Measure: Art, Cartography, and the Space of Global Modernity |
2019 |
Simon Ferdinand |
University of Nebraska Press |
Mapping Hacks: Tips & Tools for Electronic Cartography |
2005 |
Schuyler Erle & Rich Gibson & Jo Walsh |
O'Reilly Media |
Mapping New Territories |
2006 |
Switzerland |
Daniel Infanger |
Christoph Merian Verlag,Switzerland |
Mark Lewis: Arrêt Sur Image |
2002 |
Luxembourg |
edited by Mònica Portillo, Clément Minighetti |
Mudam éditions |
Marko Batista: Temporary Objects and Hybrid Ambients |
2014 |
Canada |
Edited by Andreja Hribernik and Janez Janša |
lulu.com |
Martin Bonadeo. Bellico |
2011 |
Argentina |
Alma Ruiz |
Espacio Fundación Telefónica |
Mass Effect | Art and the Internet in the Twenty-First Century |
2015 |
edited by Lauren Cornell, Ed Halter |
Mit Press |
Master of Arts, Media Design - Graduation Show 2005 |
2005 |
The Netherlands |
Piet Zwart Institute |
Piet Zwart Institute |
Masters of Deception: The Gang That Ruled Cyberspace |
1996 |
Michele Slatalla |
Harper Perennial |
Materialist Media Theory: An Introduction |
2019 |
Grant Bollmer |
Bloomsbury Academic |
Materializing Memories: Dispositifs, Generations, Amateurs |
2018 |
UK |
(edited by) Susan Aasman, Andreas Fickers, Joseph Wachelder |
Materializing New Media: Embodiment in Information Aesthetics |
2006 |
Anna Munster |
Dartmouth College |
Mechanical Brides: Women and Machines from Home to Office |
1993 |
Ellen Lupton |
Princeton Architectural Press |
Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination |
2008 |
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum |
The MIT Press |
Med egne øyne II om formidling av videokunst |
2006 |
Norway |
Stina Högkvist |
GAN Forlag |
Media Art 2.0 |
2008 |
Russia |
Aristarkh Chernyshev and Alexei Shulgin |
electroboutique |
Media Art and Digital Culture in Flanders Belgium |
2011 |
Belgium |
Dirk De Wit, Nele Samyn |
BAM - Flemish Institute for visual, audiovisual and media art |
Media Art and the Urban Environment - Engendering Public Engagement with Urban Ecology |
2015 |
Switzerland |
edited by Francis T. Marchese |
Springer |
Media Ecologies: Materialist Energies in Art and Technoculture |
2007 |
Matthew Fuller |
The MIT Press |
Media Modell |
2001 |
Hungary |
C3 Foundation and the artists |
Media Theory in Japan |
2017 |
edited by Marc Steinberg, Alexander Zahlten |
Duke University Press |
Media Time - Wood and Byte |
1999 |
Italy |
CAB Centro Audiovisivi Bolzano |
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige |
Media-Art Net 1 |
1991 |
Austria |
Rudolf Frieling & Dieter Daniels |
Springer Vienna Architecture |
MediaArtHistories |
2010 |
Oliver Grau |
The MIT Press |
Mediale Kunst Zürich: 13 Positionen, Media Arts Zurich: 13 Positions |
2008 |
Germany |
Department of Art and Media Zürich University of the Arts |
Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess |
Mediamatic Vol 6 #4 OOR=EAR |
1992 |
Jorinde Seydel, Max Bruinsma, Rik Delhaas, Thomas H. Macho, Norbert Bolz Geert Lovink |
Stichting Mediamatic Foundation |
Mediascape |
1996 |
Heinrich Klotz, Ursula Frohne, Oliver Seifert, Annika Blunk |
Guggenheim Museum |
Mediateca Expandida #1. Arcadia |
2009 |
Spain |
edited by Josè Luis de Vicente |
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación |
Mediateca Expandida. Habitar 03 |
2010 |
Spain |
edited by Josè Luis de Vicente and Fabien Girardin |
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación |
Mediateca Expandida. Playlist 02 |
2010 |
Spain |
edited by Domenico Quaranta |
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación |
Mediateca Expandida. SummerLAB_Showcase |
2011 |
Spain |
edited by Ana Botella Diez del Corral |
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación |
Mediavla: Niederländische Medienkultur |
2002 |
Germany |
Cathleen Haff, Belinda Ehbauer |
Edition Sutstein |
Medien Kunst Aktion / Media Art Action + Medien Kunst Interaktion / Media Art Interaction |
2003 |
Germany |
Rudolf Frieling, Dieter Daniel |
Springer |
Medien Kunst Netz 2 / Media Art Net 2: Thematische Schwerpunkte / Key Topics |
2005 |
Austria |
Rudolf Frieling & Dieter Daniels |
Springer |
Medienkunst in der Schweiz, Pioniere, Bastler, Provokateure – Media Arts in Switzerland, Pioneers, Tinkerers, Provocateurs |
2018 |
Switzerland |
(edited by) Dominik Landwehr, Migros-Kulturprozent |
Christoph Merian Verlag |
Memes in Digital Culture |
2013 |
Limor Shifman |
The MIT Press |
Memestetica. Il settembre eterno dell’arte |
2020 |
Italy |
Valentina Tanni |
Nero Editions |
Mesoscopic, Collection of Graduation works of SIMA 2017 |
2017 |
China |
VV.AA. |
Metacreation: Art and Artificial Life |
2004 |
Mitchell Whitelaw |
The MIT Press |
Metadesign: Lab |
2011 |
France |
LAb[au] |
Presses Du Reel |
Metal and Flesh: The Evolution of Man: Technology Takes Over |
2001 |
Ollivier Dyens |
The MIT Press |