Media Art Interaction - A Conceptual Introduction
Context Video Art
Diverse, Confusing, and Giddy - the 1980s
Infermental - an International Cinematographical Periodical on Video Cassettes
La Vie, Satellites - One Meeting, One Life
Statement Videonale 1986
The Video Pioneer
Alternative Video
KUNSTKANAL - Artists Make Television
Video's Obscene Gesture - Interview with Brigitte Kramer
Everyone wants to be used by everybody else, and that's fine
Media Interface - Interview with Kai Bauer and Michael Stephan
How to Make a Record
'... alone into the battle with the beast!' - Notes on the Development of the 'Hercules' Media-collage, 1981-87
Sound Process Space and Aurora Experimental Space 1993 - Interviews with Klaus Schoning, Gunar Barthel, Tobias Tetzner
I want to remain, so to speak, within the essence of sound - Interview with Martin Pesch
In One Eye, Out the Other - Conversation moderated by Tilman Baumgartel
Dieter Daniels: Strategies of Interactivity
Artificial Intelligence in the Arts
Differences in the Contradictions - Interview with femme totale
Virtual Reality: the Endo-approach to Electronics
... slamming
Managing Things ('The Wet Nurse')
A Description of 'The Equator and Some Otherlands'
The Artist as Informant
European Mobile Art Project - The New Eloquence in the Public Sphere
PooL Processing
The Thing - Interview with Jan Avgikos
Net Criticism - Interview with Tjoss May
Dear Friend (Chance 2000)