
An archive of published things by You can browse, search, or see a random publication. The Neural Archive lists 1884 publications.

Media Modell

Publisher / Label
C3 Foundation and the artists
English, Hungarian
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages
963 00 6969 5


5 Introduction by Miklós Peternák

Jovánovics György
22 "Memorial to the Martyyrs of the 1956 Revolution"
Lugosi Lugo László
24 "Gábor Bachman - László Rajk: Catafalque"
25 "The Statue of Liberty's Soul 1992 W"
Hejettes Szomlyazók
26-27 "Döbling" (1998), "Döbling" (2000)
28-29 "Flux-Concert"
Pauer Gyula
30-31 "Statue of the Shround of Turin, 1990"
Kerekes Gábor
32 "Hcell-Polystyrene" (1996)
33 "C.E.R.N." (1995)
Megyik János
34-35 "Vakfolt" (2000)
Türk Péter
36-37 "Beyond Soccer" (2000)
Baranyay András
38 "The Mirror Replies I" (1990-94)
39 "The Mirror Replies II" (1990-94)
Hajdú József
40 Hajdú József by Szűcs Károly
41 "Röntgenhanglemez" (1998)
43 "X-Ray Record Album" (1998)
A. ÁdÁm József
44 "Photomanugraph" (1998)
45 "Photoralia Positive" (1998)
Herendi Péter
46-47 "FOUR-TO-THE-FOURTH-POWER: Visual Mathematical Organism" (1994) 2000
256 photographs
Bakos  Gábor
48 "Exhibition to the Borderline between the Invisible and the Visible I-II-III, Epreskert, Calvary, Budapest" (1994) 
49 "Studio Detail, Epreskert, Budapest" (1994)
Gerber Pál
50 Two Scenes from the Field Termed Art 1. "Creative artist who is engaged his own autonomous form of expression" (1991-2000)
51 Two Scenes from the Field Termed Art 2. "A visitor in front of the experimental textile" (1991-2000)
Szarka Péter
52 "We Believe in Life before Death" (1999)
Gyarmati Éva
53 "Pharmacy. Slogan: Things fall into place with 3D-glasses!" 
Reischl Szilvia
54 "Title: Without" (1998)
Ravasz András
55 "Clochard the luxe" (1996)
Szilasi István
56-57 "Idiopath/Background Dress" (2000)
Gyenis Tibor
58-59 "Untitled" (2000)
Kapitáni András
60-61 "Eyewitness" (1996)
Beöthy Balázs
62-63 "Medium" (2000)
Weber Imre
64 "Boundlessy Enclosed (Újpest)" (1999)
Radák Eszter
65-66-67 "London Galleries on the Internet I-IV" (2000)
Gheres Gábor
68 "Impacts Endangering Evanescence" (2000)
69 "The Abolition of Idyll" (2000)
Halász Péter
70-71 "Black Viewpoint on White Hall" (1998)
Sugáar János
72-73-74-75 "Monstrance Model" (1996-97)
George Legradi
76-77 "Transitional Spaces" (1999)
Szegedy - Maszák Zoltán - Langh Róbert - Fernezelyi Márton
78-79-80-81 "Smalltalk" (2000)
Keserue Zsolt
82-83 "Changing Places" (2000)
Kisspál Szabolcs
84-85-86-87 "Breathless" (1999)
Schneemeier Andrea
88-89 "Untitled" (2000)
Győrfy Gábor
90-91 "THalli I-II" (2000)
Seres Szilvia
92-93 "Todays" (2000)
Kiss Péter
94-95 "Event Summary" (1997)
Négyessy András
96-97 "Relax Stage" (1997)
Waliczky Tamás
98-99 "Focusing" (1998)
100-101 "Focus" (1998) by Waliczky Tamás
Vákuum TV
102-103 Vakuumscope
Július Gyula
104-105 "Name Written on the Water" (1999-2000)
Menesi Attila - Christoph Rausch
106-107 "Preview" (2000)
108 "X=X+1 (INCREmental)" (1999) text by Andreas Broeckmann
Szabics Ágnes
109 "Lisbon III" (2000)
Wolsky András
110-111-112 "Chance Events okf a Day" (1998)
El-Hassan Róza - Milica Tomić - Branimir Stojanović
113-114-115 "Overpopulation" (2000)
Vincze Ottó
118-119 "Explanation" (1998)
Nemes Csaba
120-121 "Common Cover" (1997)
Chilf Mária
122-123 "My Treasure, Your Treasure, Their Treasure" (2000) Text by Gabriella Bartha
Lakner Antal
124-125 "Metro Istanbul" (1997)
Faa Balász
126-127 "Infinite Drawing" (1999)
Pál Zsuzsanna Rebeka
128-129 "Hill" (1998)
Szacsva Y Pál
130 "Case B" (1998)
György Katalin
131 "Title-less" (2000)
Zámori Eszter
132-133 "Origo Fragmenti" (2000)
Németh Hajinal
134-135 "Imitated Secrets/NataSsha" (2000)
Nyitrai Orsolya
136-137 "Golden Calf" (1999)
Szabó Eszter Ágnes
138-139 "Entertaining Screen-Saver" (2000)
Szabó Ágnes
140-141 "Statue of Liberty Silhouette" (2000)
Valcz Gábor
142 "United Dreams" (2000)
Veszely Beáta
143 "Kristina on Katerina" (1999)
Lévay Jenő
144-145 "Transferpoint" (2000)
Pauer Gyula
146 "Torso - Invalid Sculpture" (1987)
147 "Erika" (2000)
Haász Katalin
148 "Reminder Image" (2000)
Nagy Kriszta
149 "Carpet Diary" (1997)
Komoróczky Tamás
150-151 "then nothing else but the buzzing of the bees...," (2000)
Révés L. László
152-153 "San" (1997-98)
Csörgő Attila
154-155 "Spherical Vortex" (1999)
Koronczi Endre
156 "700205OV06" (2000)
Várnai Gyula
157 "Table Society" (1999)


Susanne Brügger
158-159 "Mapwork X: Though - Particle-observation and Conjunctions" (1997)
Rosa Barba 
160-161 "Flight Machine Part 2: Flight of a Bumble-Bee" (2000)
Heike Mutter
162-163 "Two Comedians" (2000)
Peter Simon
164-165 "The Tin Roof" (2000)
Peter Frucht
166-167 "Loop" (2000)
Nicolas Desponds
168 "Light Drops" (2000)
Timothy Ingen-Housz
169 "Camouflage" (2000)

Ravasz András
55 "Clochard de luxe" (1996)