Series Foreword vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgments xv
Introduction xvii
Intermezzo: Sugar and Slaves, Navigation and Cartography,
Deixis and Representationalism xxxv
I Minds, Brains, and Biology 1
1 How Did We Get Here? 3
2 The Biology of Cognition 15
3 What Was Cybernetics? 41
4 Giant Brains of the Military-Industrial Complex 65
5 The Rise of Artificial Intelligence 89
6 Gravity Drowned: The Collapse of Computationalism 107
7 Complexity, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Self Organizing Systems 127
8 Artificial Life: Emergence and Machine Creativity 141
9 Rethinking Cognitivism 161
II A Body of Knowledge 179
10 Mindful Bodies 181
11 The New Cognitive Science-Embodied, Embedded, Enactive 193
12 Mind, Body, World 215
13 Mind beyond Brain: Extending Cognition
beyond the Individual 239
14 Tools, Cognition, and Skill 253
15 Representation 279
16 Consciousness, Selfhood, and the Cognitive Unconscious 297
Ill Toward an Aesthetics of Behavior 313
17 Postcognitivism and the Aesthetics of Behavior 315
18 The Trouble with Computers 329
19 The Roots of New Media Art 343
20 A Critical Aesthetics of Performative Technologies 355
21 Applying Postcognitivist Approaches to Arts and Cultural Practices 373
22 Embodiment and Interaction 393
23 Improvisation, Interaction, and Play 401
24 The Representational, the Performative, and the Processual 411
25 Theory and Practice 421
Epilogue: Art, Cognition, Disciplinarity, and Institutions 427
Notes 443
References 461
Index 489