Abstract V
Sammanfattning VII
Acknowledgments IX
Preface 1
1. Starting Out 3
2. Technology as a Magical Unknown 8
3. The Missing Requirement 10
4. Research Questions and Concerns 13
Associated Papers and Material 15
5. Framework: Diffraction and Obstruction 17
6. Methods for Storming 23
7. Methodology 27
8. Making a Magic Machine 30
Language 34
The Introduction 36
The Prompt 40
The Material Switch 42
Being Done 45
Description 46
Group Discussion 50
Documentation 51
Variation versus Structure 53
9. Physical Outcomes 54
Complexity 55
Simplicity 56
Precision 57
Vagueness 58
Evocation 59
Preconception 61
Resilience 61
Limitation 63
Material Outcomes 63
10. Inside the Workshop Experience 65
Contextualisation 66
Secrecy 66
Adjustment 67
Emergence 68
Exposure 69
Friction 70
Cohesion 72
Rationalisation 73
11. Application and Deployment 75
12. Discussion of Emerging Elements 83
Magic and Magical Thinking 84
Thinking Through the Prop 85
Leaky Objects 87
Responsibility, Commitment and Risk 88
Workshop as Gift Exchange 89
Creating Design Knowledge 90
13. How to do a Magic Machine Workshop 93
14. Contribution and Conclusion 95
Postscript 101
References 103
Appendices 109
Interviews Referenced 110
Workshops Referenced 110
Projects Referenced 110
Image Credits 111
Additional Image Documentation 112
Overview of Associated Papers 118
1: Circles and Props - Making Unknown Technology 119
2: Making Magic Machines 120
3: The Deliberate Cargocult 121
4: The Instrument as the Source of New in New Music 122
5: The Dial: Exploring Computational Strangeness 123
6: Anti-Solutionist Strategies: Seriously Silly Design Fiction 124
7: 821 words and 20 images 125
Related papers 126