List of Figures vìì
Acknowledgments xi
Introduction: I Map Therefore
I Am Modern 1
1. The Shock of the Whole:
Phenomenologies of Global Mapping in
Solomon Nikritin’s The Old and the New 37
2. Combined and Uneven Cartography:
Maps and Time in Alison Hildreth’s
Forthrights and Meanders 67
3. Drawing Like a State: Maps,
Modernity, and Warfare in
Gert Jan Kocken’s Depictions 105
4. Insular Imaginations: Statehood,
Islands, and Globalization in
Satomi Matoba’s Utopia 143
5. Cartography at Ground Level:
Spectrality and Streets in Jeremy Wood’s
My Ghost and Meridians 177
6. Another Chorein: Alternative Ontologies
in Peter Greenaway’s A Walk Through H 207
Envoi: Artists Astride Shifting
Mapping Paradigms 243
Notes 249
Bibliography 269
Index 287