
An archive of published things by You can browse, search, or see a random publication. The Neural Archive lists 1886 publications.

Publication index

  Title Year Country Author Publisher
Anna et Bernhard Blume, la photographie transcendantale 2015 France Clément Chéroux et Andreas Fischer Editions du Centre Pompidou, Éditions Xavier Barral
On Line, Kunst Im Netz 1992 Austria edited by Dr. Helga Konrad Steirische Kultur Initiative
Phase Media Space, Time and the Politics of Smart Objects 2017 USA James Ash Bloomsbury Academic
Sex Sounds, Vectors of Difference in Electronic Music 2022 USA Daniele Shlomit Sofer Mit Press
The Jean Freeman Gallery Does Not Exist 2018 USA Christopher Howard Mit Press
The Middle Matter: sound as interstice 2019 Belgium (edited by) Caroline Profanter, Henry Andersen, Julia Eckhardt Umland Editions
The Sound of Normalisation 2018 Italy Davide Tidoni Viaindustriae Suono in co-edition with SARU
Unusual Sounds: The Hidden History of Library Music 2018 USA David Hollander Anthology Editions
Vocal Projections: Voices in Documentary 2018 USA (edited by) Maria Pramaggiore, Annabelle Honess Roe Bloomsbury Academic
inf.ek.taDo - 2005 Mexico Arcangelo Constantini
"Maju Kena, Mundur Kena: Bertindak Sekarang" - Jakarta Biennale 2015 2015 Indonesia edited by Ardi Yunanto Jakarta Biennale Foundation
#exstrange: A Curatorial Intervention on Ebay 2017 USA edited by Rebekah Modrak and Marialaura Ghidini MICHIGAN PUBLISHING SERVICES
(e)mergences > Rendez-vous des cultures numériques / Spectateurs Augmentés // 01.2013 2013 France LUX Scène nationale de Valence Lux
(re)programming | Strategies for Self-Renewal 2022 Slovenia (edited by) Janez Fakin Janša, Marko Bauer AKSIOMA / MLADINSKI CENTER VELENJE
+FILE POA | 08 - SE LIGA 2008 Brazil Paula Perissinotto, Ricardo Barreto Santander Cultural, OI Futuro
+kaos - 10 anni di hacking e mediattivismo 2012 Italy edited by Laura Beritelli Autistici & Inventati
.Move - new european media art - werkleitz Festival 2009 Germany edited by Kristina Tieke Werkleitz Gesellschaft
.tiff v3.2 1995 Canada tiff.supercommunication.unlimited
0.01s: The First 1/100th Second Of 1-Bit Symphony 2015 Tristan Perich Physical Editions
0006_limiteazero 2006 Italy Nicola Zanardi Hublab Edition
01 - Norsk kunstrom 1997 Norway Atelier Nord Atelier Nord
1 Уральская индустриальная биеннале современного искусства - 1st Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art 2010 Russia Alisa Prudnikova, edited by Ksenia Fedorova, Andrey Shcherbenok Ural Biennial
1 Уральская индустриальная биеннале современного искусства - 1st Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art - Shockworkers of the Mobile Image 2010 Russia Cosmin Costinas, Ekaterina Degot, David Riff, edited by Anna Zaitseva and Maxim Spivakov Ural Biennial
10 Years Interactive Institute 98-08 2008 Sweden Sara Backlund, Johan Redström, Carina Ruotsalainen, Christina Öhman Sara Backlund, Johan Redström
10. Stuttgarter Filmwinter 09.-14.01.2004 2004 Germany edited by Stefan Rüweler Wand 5 e V.
10. Stuttgarter Filmwinter 9.-12. Januar 1997 1997 Germany
100 Artists-in-Residence / quartier21 / MQ / 2002-2006 2006 Austria edited by Patricia Grzonka and Linda Klösel MuseumsQuartier Errichtungs- und BetriebsgesmbH
100 Artists-in-Residence / quartier21 / MQ / 2006-2009 2009 Austria edited by Wolfgang Waldner MuseumsQuartier Errichtungs- und BetriebsgesmbH
100 Artists-in-Residence / quartier21 / MQ / 2009-2011 2012 Austria Christian Strasser MuseumsQuartier Errichtungs- und BetriebsgesmbH
100 Notions pour l'Art Numerique 2015 France Marc Veyrat Les Éditions de l'Immatériel
11° encontro internacional de arte e tecnologia 2012 - exposição EmMeio#4.0 2012 Brazil Suzete Venturelli, Maria Luiza Fragoso, Tania Fraga Instituto de Arte da Universidade de Brasília
15. Stuttgarter Filmwinter 17.-20. Januar 2002 2002 Germany Tina Krüger, Ulrich Wegenast Wand 5 e V.
16. Stuttgarter Filmwinter 16.-19.01.2003 2003 Germany Stefan Rüweler Wand 5 e V.
18. Stuttgarter Filmwinter 13.-16.1.05 2005 Germany edited by Nici Halschke, Valérie Hasenmayer Wand 5 e V.
1st decade 1998 Austria Station Rose Edition Selene
24 hours in Cyberspace 1996 USA Rick Smolan, Jennifer Erwitt Que Macmillan USA
24/7, Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep 2014 UK Jonathan Crary Verso
25 MINUS HABENS - eXperYenZ 2012 Italy Alessandro Ludovico Minus Habens
28e Festival Les Instants Vidéo - TU ME VOULAIS VIERGE, JE TE VOULAIS MOINS CON ! 2015 France Marc Mercier Instants Vidéo
29ES INSTANTS VIDEO - ÉTAT D’URGENCE POÉTIQUE - Friche La Belle De Mai 2016 France Marc Mercier Instants Vidéo
3 Festival Internacional de la Imagen 2003 Colombia Nicolas Llano Naranjo Fundacion Instituto de Investigaciones de la Imagen
3 Mednarodni festival računalniških umetnosti : Interaktivna umetnost / 3rd International festival of computer arts : the interactive art 1997 Slovenia Jože Slaček, Aleksandra Kostić, Peter Tomaž Dobrila Mladinski kulturni center, Multimedia center Kibla, Umetnostna galerija Maribor
30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science, and Theory 2015 USA edited by Yuk Hui and Andreas Broeckmann Meson Press
39e Cinéma du Réel 2017 France Bibliotèque Centre Pompidou Bibliotèque Centre Pompidou
3X3X6 - ShuLea Cheang 2019 China edited by Paul B. Preciado, Wei-fen Lee Taipei Fine Arts Museum
4 Festival Internacional de la Imagen / Manizales Colombia 2004 Colombia Felipe César Londono Lopez Fundacion Instituto de Investigaciones de la Imagen
4. Mednarodni Festival Računalniških Umetnosti / 4th International Festival of Computer Arts 1998 Slovenia Dragica Marinič Mladinski kulturni center Maribor
4x4 Generative Design: Beyond Photoshop (with Auto-Illustrator, Java, DBN, Lingo): Life/Oblivion 2002 UK Adrian Ward & Golan Levin & Lia & Meta Friends of Ed Publishers
5 Festival Internacional de la Imagen / Manizales, Colombia 2006 Chile Felipe Cesar Londoño López Fundacion Instituto de Investigaciones de la Imagen
5. Mednarodni festival računalniških umetnosti <International festival of computer arts 1999 Slovenia Mladinski kulturni center Maribor Mladinski kulturni center Maribor