On reading this book vii
Proleogmenon: "we're tired of trees" 1
Provisional response 1: political atomism (the Nietzschean
argument) -- Provisional response 2: unilateralism versus
multilateralism (the Foucauldian argument) -- Provisional
response 3: ubiquity and universality (the Determinist
argument) -- Provisional response 4: occultism and
cryptography (the Nominalist argument)
Part I. Nodes 23
Technology (or theory) -- Theory (or technology) -- Protocol
in computer networks -- Protocol in biological networks --
An encoded life -- Toward a political ontology of networks --
The defacement of enmity -- Biopolitics and protocol -- Life-
Resistance -- The exploit -- Counterprotocol
Part II. Edges 103
The datum of cura I -- The datum of cura II -- Sovereignty and
biology I -- Sovereignty and biology II -- Abandoning the body
politic -- The ghost in the network -- Birth of the algorithm --
Political animals -- Sovereignty and the state of emergency --
Fork bomb I -- Epidemic and endemic -- Network being -- Good
viruses (simSARS I) -- Medical surveillance (simSARS II) --
Feedback versus interaction I -- Feedback versus interaction II --
Rhetorics of freedom -- A Google search for my body --
Divine metabolism -- Fork bomb II -- The paranormal and the
pathological I -- The paranormal and the pathological II --
Universals of identification -- RFC001b: BMTP -- Fork bomb III --
Unknown unknowns -- Codification, not reification --
Tactics of nonexistence -- Disappearance; or, I've seen it
all before -- Stop motion -- Pure metal -- The hypertrophy of
matter (Four Definitions and One Axiom) -- The user and the
programmer -- Fork bomb IV -- Interface -- There is no
content -- Trash, junk, spam
Coda: bits and atoms 149
Appendix: Notes for a liberated computer language 159
Notes 167
Index 183