List of figures
1. A planetary art beyond the human
I. Inhuman agency
II. Seismic encounters and the acoustic sublime
2. The atmosphere as a planetary commons
I. Breathing a common air
II. From the Anthropocene to the Aerocene
3. Art and environmental change: beyond apocalypse
I. Art and geodesign for climate change
II. Environmental futures beyond precarity: symbiosis and resilience
4. Science in an ecology of knowledges
I. Indigenous cosmologies and cognitive justice
II. Transgenic maize: between the milpa and the monoculture
5. Interspecies communication and performance
I. Plantbots and the logic of vegetal life
II. The language of cetaceans
III. Microbe music
6. Revising systems art: biological time and the ethics of care
I. Slow robotics and the art of bioremediation
II. Curation and care
7. Sensory worlds and the pluriverse
I. Spider/webs: from connection to coevolution
II. Myrmecology and multispecies communities