Computational Arts
James Patten: Foreword ix
Adam Lauder: Visualizing Computational 1
Art in Canada, 1967 - 74
Leslie Mezei 2
Roger Vilder 5
Alexander Keewatin "Kee" Dewdney 8
Suzanne Duquet 12
N.E. Thing Co. Ltd. 17
Vera Frenkel 20
Greg Curnoe 22
Plates 31
Mark Hayward: The Medium and the Milieu: 41
Intellectual Influences on Canadian Computer Art
The Ambiguous Legacy of Marshall McLuhan 44
The Promise of Technophany 47
Ashley Scarlett: Artist Residency Programming & the Early Histories 57
of Computer Graphics Research in Canada
The Dynamic Graphics Project, Toronto 61
The National Film Board at the National 67
Research Council, Ottawa
Norma Lynn Sveinson & Gerald Hushlak, Calgary 73
Lists of works 80