4-7 Table of contents
22 Minimalize Mario: The Work of Cory Arcangel (Beige) by Raphael Gygax
25 Super Mario Clouds v2k3, 2003
29 Super Landscape Number 1, 2005
31 Japanese Driving Game, 2004
36 Doogle, 2004
37 web.hack
38 I Shot Andy Warhol, 2002
46 414 - 3 - Rave - 95, 2004
52 Nintendo_Ipod_Mega_Jam.mp3, 2005
54 Nipod V.2, 2004
59 Sans Simon, 2004
64 Iron Maiden's 'The Number of the Beast' compressed over and over as an mp3 666 times, 2004
69 Space Invader, 2004
70 Code by Alex Galloway
76 Super Slow Tetris, 2004
78 Data Diaries, 2002
79 DVD and web project,
84 Cat Rave, 2004
85 In collaboration with Frankie Martin
86 Super Mario Movie, 2005 in collaboration with Paper Rad
105 The Making of Super Mario Clouds by Cory Arcangel (Beige)
116 Minimalize Mario: Über die arbeiten von Cory Arcangel (Beige) von Raphael Gygax
124 List of Works
128 Imprint