1 Foreword
by David Rothenberg 5
2 Documentation
by Christopher Shultis 11
3 unl sounding the self —
continuing the discussion
by Craig Shepard 19
4 Coexistence and Obstruction
by Christoph Collenberg 23
5 Craig Shepard and his Commitment
to Other Walks
by Christopher Shultis 41
6 Chris Shultis, Henry David Thoreau,
John Cage
by Craig Shepard 47
7 'Theory Into Practice' —
the Olomouc Intensive Course
by Bernd Herzogenrath 53
8 The Seminar
by Craig Shepard 59
9 Silent Walk,
Tuesday September 26th,
Olomouc, Czech Republic
by Craig Shepard 65
10 Walking in Woods
by Christopher Shultis 79
11 I. Olomouc, Bernd, Craig and Me
by Christopher Shultis 87
12 II. "Other silences."
by Christopher Shultis 91
13 From Thoreau to Cage... and Beyond...
by Bernd Herzogenrath 95
Vitae 114