4 Visualizing, mapping, and
performing resistance
Patricio Dávila
10 Dialogues One : Intersections in
indigenous mapping, feminist visualization,
and community-building
Catherine D'Ignazio, Eliana Macdonald,
Lize Mogel, Margaret Pearce
30 Coming home
Margaret Pearce
40 O'say can you see
Laura Poitras
46 From far away and up close:
visualization and documentary modes
Laura Poitras and Josh Begley
with Patricio Dávila
58 Best of luck with the wall
Josh Begley
66 The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
74 How the dictatorship of the
parties can be overcome
Joseph Beuys
78 La voix autoritaire (voir totalitaire)
d'une système invisible/The authoritative
voice (totalitarian view) of an invisible system
Bureau d'Études & Philippe Rekacewicz
90 Astropolitique
Bureau d'Études
96 Cartes en colère/Angry maps
Philippe Rekacewicz
110 Performing infrastructure
Lize Mogel
118 The Medellíin Diagram
Teddy Cruz + Fonna Forman
132 The Georgia negro: a social study
W.E.B. DuBois
144 ¿Quiénes lo producen? ¿En qué contexto?
¿Para qué/ ¿Qué oculta?/Who produces it?
In what context? For what? What does it hide?
Iconoclasistas, Patricio Dávila
154 ¿A quién pertenece la tierra?/
Who owns the land?
162 Minneapolis and Saint Paul
are East African cities
Julie Mehretu + entropy8zuper!
168 Algorithms, apparitions and translations
Julie Mehretu
180 Ogimaa Mikana Community newsletter
Ogimaa Mikana
188 An atlas of radical cartography (Revisited)
Alexis Bhagat and Lize Mogel
204 El caso de Ayotzinapa/The Ayotzinapa case
Forensic Architecture
214 Building a forum: the Ayotzinapa case
Stefan Laxness with Peter Hall
226 Mapping a slave revolt
Vincent Brown
246 Retrospective of a crisis
Department of Unusual Certainties
254 Queering the map
Lucas LaRochelle
262 The city is not a laboratory -
Property Praxis in the Urban Praxis Workshop
Joshua Akers
270 Islam, republic, neoliberalism
Burak Arikan
276 Visualizing Palestine
Visualizing Impact
286 Dialogues two : Urban space, data,
and supporting community resistance
Sheila Sampath Terra Graziani,
Josh Akers, Alex Hill.
301 Biographies