1: Amazon Can Read Your Mind: A Media Archaeology of the Algorithmic Imaginary
2: Information Theory of the Soul: Spiritualism, Technology, and Science Fiction
3: The Return of the Sonic Ghosts: Phonographic Revenants and Digital Reanimations, from Paleospectography to Hauntology
4: I play, therefore I believe: Religio and faith in digital games
5: Ritual Magic and User Generated Deities on Instagram
6: Instant Karma and Internet Karma: Karmic Memes and Morality on Social Media
7: Disciples of the New Digital Religions: Or, How to Make Your 'Fake' Religion Real
8: Where Soul Meets Technology: Catholic Visionaries and the Stanford Research Institute as Precedents for Human-Machine Interfaces and Social Telepathy Apps
9:Plurality through Imagination: The Emergence of Online Tulpa Communities in the Making of New Identities
10:UFOs, ufologists and digital media in Brazil
11:Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Religion: Past, Present, and Future
12:Algorithm Magic: Gilbert Simondon and Techno-animism
Afterword: Religious and digital imaginaries in parallel lines