1 Genres of Electronic Literature
Defining electronic literature
Reconsidering genre in electronic literature
Genre from a literary studies perspective
Genre from a media and technology perspective
Overview of key theoretical, critical, and analytical work in the field
Why read electronic literature?
The structure and method of this book
2 Combinatory Poetics
Artistic and literary contexts for combinatory poetics
The early history of digital combinatory writing
Procedural, syntactic poetry generation systems
Contemporary combinatory digital poetics
Regenerating and mutating existing texts
Big data poetics
What can we learn from combinatory poetics?
3 Hypertext Fiction
Literary antecedents to hypertext
Hypertext in technological context
Early hypertext fiction
Hypertext fiction for transitional media: Stuart Moulthrop's explorations
Hypertext's ends and means
4 Interactive Fiction and Other Gamelike Forms
Interactive fiction and the IF community
An Adventure begins
An amateur interactive fiction community takes shape
Worlds, puzzles, characters, and wordplay in contemporary interactive fiction
Modeling ethical choice and moral complicity
Hypertext + Interactive Fiction = Twine
Games as literary platforms
Games as digital vernacular
5 Kinetic and Interactive Poetry
Characteristics of kinetic and interactive poetry
Digital poetry in relation to literary and artistic traditions
Early work in digital poetry
Kinetic and interactive poetry in technological context
Balancing movement and interactivity in digital poetry
Letters moving in space and time
6 Network Writing
Antecedents to network writing
Forms and styles of network writing
7 Divergent Streams