The Sound of Things to Come: An Audible History of the Science Fiction Film
- Author
- Trace Reddell
- Publisher / Label
- University of Minnesota Press
- Country
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2018
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 448
- 978-0816683123
CONTENTS Introduction . New Sounds in Science Fiction . 1 1. The Origins of Sonic Science Fiction (1924–50) . 43 2. Ambient Novum, Alien Novum (1950–68) . 91 3. Cosmos Philosophy and Thought Synthesizers (1959–1968) . 191 4. Sonic Alienation and the Psytech at War (1971–77) . 285 5. Sonorous Object-Oriented Ontologies (1979–89) . 361 Acknowledgments . 435 Bibliography .437 Index . 455