Part 1.
1 Intercultural Tele-Improvisation: Inside the Online Global
jam Session 3
2 Telematics, Art and the Evolution of Networked Music
Performance 21
3 Intercultural Tele-Improvisation: Multi-idiomatic Approaches 59
Part II
4 Intercultural Tele-Improvisatory Performance in Action 83
5 Towards a Theory of Tele-Improvisatory Collaboration 119
Part III
6 Liminal Worlds: Presence and Performer Agency
in Tele-Collaborative Interaction 145
7 What's that Sound? Culture, Significance and Interpretation
of Electronic Sound and Noise 167
8 Conclusion: Intercultural Tele---Improvisatory Interaction:
Applications and Contexts 187
Appendix A: Participant Performer Biographies 207
Appendix B:Interviewees 209
Appendix C: Translators 213