Shape of Light: 100 years of Photography and Abstract Art
- Author
- (edited by) Simon Baker, Emmanuelle De L’Ecotais
- Publisher / Label
- Tate Publishinng
- Country
- UK
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2018
- Type of publication
- Catalogue
- Number of pages
- 224
- 9781849763691
Contents 6 Sponsor's Foreword 7 Foreword 13 1910-1940 in search of a new reality Emmanuelle de l'Ecotais 87 1940-1960 photography's sense of abstraction Simon Baker 139 1960-1980 control, order and disorder Shoair Mavlian 181 1980-now surfaces and impressions Emma Lewis 212 Glossary 216 Notes 218 Exhibited Works 224 Index