The Robotic Imaginary: The Human & the Price of Dehumanized Labor
- Author
- Jennifer Rhee
- Publisher / Label
- University of Minnesota Press
- Country
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2018
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 234
- 9781517902988
Contents Introduction: All Too Dehumanized 1 1. Caring: Care Labor, Conversational Artificial Intelligence, and Disembodied Women 31 2. Thinking: Domestic Labor, Situated Robotics, 67 and Closed Worlds 3. Feeling: Emotional Labor, Sociable Robots, 101 and Shameless Androids 4. Dying: Drone Labor, War, and the Dehumanized 133 Epilogue. The Human: That Which We Have Yet to Know 175 Acknowledgments 179 Notes 181 Index 217