Acknowledgments ix
Introduction 1
Part I: The Sonic Flux and Sonic Materialism
Chapter 1: Toward a Sonic Materialism 13
Signification, Discourse, and Materialism
Representation and the Sonic Arts
Schopenhauer: Below Representation
Nietzsche: The Naturalization of Art
Dionysus, or the Intensive
Sound as an Immemorial Flux
Sonic Events and Sound Effects
A Materialist Aesthetics
Chapter 2: A Brief History of the Sonic Flux 43
Noise, Deterritorialization, and Self-Organization
Systems of Sonic Capture
Interlude—Christian Marclay: Repetition and Difference
Digitality, Decommodification, and Deterritorialization
Chapter 3: The Symbolic and the Real: Phonography
from Music to Sound 76
Hearing Things
Alvin Lucier: From Signification to Noise
Part II: Being and Time in the Sonic Arts
Chapter 4: Signal to Noise: An Ontology of Sound Art 111
Leibniz and the Auditory Unconscious
Sound Art and the Sonic Flux
Room Tone
Sound, Symbol, Sample
Music and Sound Art
Chapter 5: Sound, Time, and Duration 139
Beyond the Musical Object: From Being to Becoming, Time to Duration
Installing Duration: Postminimalism in the Visual Arts
Time’s Square
Time Pieces
Against Becoming and Duration? The Sound of Hyper-Chaos
Part III: The Optical and the Sonic
Chapter 6: Audio/Visual: Against Synaesthetics 173
From Gesamtkunstwerk to Synaesthesia
Synaesthetics 2.0
Sound Figures
Dubs and Versions
Sound Cinema: Film and Video as Sonic Art
A Transcendental Exercise of the Faculties
Notes 215
Index 257