PART ONE The Materialization of Sound:
A Research History 1
1. Quantifying Sound 3
Pro tools and the phonautograph 3
1863: Writing Helmholtz 9
1929: Fletcher's weirdness 17
1954: Experience by Beranek 23
Projections in the pavilion 28
2 Materializing listening 31
Destroying instruments, discovering ambient 31
1962: Sound in flux 33
1970: Baudry's dispositif 39
2008: Beyond Aufführungspraxis 44
Dispositives of Surround sound 49
3 Corporealizing the senses 54
Into darkness 54
1985: Serres's syrrhesis 58
1992: Tension in Nancy 66
1998: Eshun and the senses 75
New sensory materialism 79
PART TWO The sonic persona: An anthropology
of sound 83
4 In auditory dispositives 85
The microphone as poem 85
Scarce signáis 88
The Apparatus Canto 94
Dispositive's capitalization 101
In/Resurrection 107
5 The sonic persona Hl
Sonic traces 111
Idiosyncratic implex 113
The sonic persona 120
Varying experientiality 126
Anthropology of sound 132
6 A sensory corpus 136
The material percepts 136
Corpus in situ 140
A generative sensorium 145
Corporeal epistemologies 150
The listening body 156
PART THREE The precisión of sensibility:
A political critique 161
7 The precisión of sensibility 163
Nanopolitics 163
Sensory critique 166
Apparatuses naturalized 172
The precisión of sensibility 178
Idioplex 183
8 Resistance and resonance 187
zeige deine Wunde 187
No response 190
Erratic heuristics 196
Noise as presence 200
Persona resista 206
9 Generativity 212
Cohesión 212
Im Erwachten Garten 215
Sensory syncope 219
Synaptic Island 224
Generativity 227
Sources 233
Tak. Danke. Thank you. 246
Index 248